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    Weed Porn-Lets see your current grow

    Cmh and led for me
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    Day 46 trim or leave?

    Open it up. Im sure theres no air movement down there and its a microclimate down there just waiting for pm to take hold. I learned the hard way. I have a similar room.
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    From germination to flower flip, how long do you veg?

    I run 48 plants. 1 gal pots. I veg 7-10 days.
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    Coco coir start of wk 9 since flip

    Those plants are locked out. Your runoff is telling you. Flush with quarter nutrients.
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    Working With Consultant/Grower, Can You Please Tell Me What You Think Of This Advice?

    Coco dtw. Everything on timers. I run 48 in a 12x12 with 1 gal pots. Lot of work but i only go to my grow every 3rd day. I have a full time job. Definitely far from my first time like yourself. But if you are passionate about it you will succeed. Shit i see people on here growing dank and its...
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    Leaves curling

    To me looks ph related
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    help with ppm

    If u are putting in 300 ppm and 900 is coming out and you are in soil i would give water only the next few feedings. Your ppms are so high because your getting nutrient buildup.
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    Little help from the brains trust please..

    That plant needs magnesium. But it could also need magnesium because its locked out. Could b a little light stress as well. We need more info.
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    What's this leaf trying to tell me?

    Its saying i need calcium.
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    HELP: Cuttings/Cloning help: Why do my cuttings keep doing this like a week in

    That is from the clone being to moist on its leaves. So it rotted. Ive seen it many times. Dont mist the plants only the top of the dome. No vents for 3 days then vent the dome for 2 or 3 then take dome off...
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    Bad RH problems running coco

    How many gallons of water do you feed a day? That times 8 pints per gallon and that how much you need to dehumidify. 2000 pints is 250 gallons.
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    Hlg 650r 5x5

    I run it with co2 and im at like 28 inches and im getting foxtailing at 100%. I have 4 other 630 cmh and my plants dont foxtail under those. Next run im putting it higher.
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    Cannarado genetics

    I got the stay puft. Tiny seeds. I popped 9 and all sprouted...
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    Northeast weather 2017

    37 yesterday here. adirondacks...