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  1. Dtrippy1

    NFT hydro system w/ 4x4 vinyl fence posts questions

    ok, new to the forum so sorry if im posting in the wrong section. im a semi-newbie, iv gotten through a couple small harvests, one with dwc and the other soil, both in my basment. im looking to build an NFT-type system with a 20 gallon rez and 2 or 3 vinyl 4''x4'' fence posts. Either 2 6'...
  2. Dtrippy1

    Welcome New Members!

    new to this forum. currently setting up my basement to run a 4x6' flower room and a 3x4' veg room, with a height of 6' in both rooms. most likely gonna go with a 1000w hps in flower with a 4''x4'' vinyl fence post NFT system. 3 fence posts with about 20 plant sites amongst the three, using 3.5''...