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  1. M

    Is this normal?

    My friends haven't really done anything wrong. I enjoy smoking with them for the best part. I was just wondering whether it was normal for me to tweak all the time. :)
  2. M

    Is this normal?

    If you take an empty bottle of coca cola or something, put a whole near the bottom, big enough for a joint then fill it up by sucking where you'd usually drink. Then whomever is taking it has to take it all in one go.
  3. M

    Is this normal?

    I'm not complaining about it, I was just wondering if it's normal to do so. bongsmilie
  4. M

    Is this normal?

    I smoke a lot of weed with my friends, it's something we seem to always end up doing. I've only smoked it for a year or so but when I say that, it's almost daily that we're at it. Anyways, I always seem to be the first to 'tweak'. My friend plays on this and gives me numerous rush bottles and...