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    happy herbies custumer

    hi erveryone i'm a noob and this was my first time ordering seeds online i did some research and decided to go with herbies i placed my order on oct 7 2013 it was dispatched on the 8th with a tracking number it reached the east coast of usa on the 11th and in my hands on the 15th of oct 8 day...
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    Welcome New Members!

    hi everyone i'm a new grower thats about to start a super skunk grow and i hope you dont mind but i am gonna need some help and advice from more seasoned growers
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    vision seeds super skunk

    igorskee thaks alot for the info it really helped out alot i will be setting up soon for a super skunk adventure hope it turns out funky.
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    vision seeds super skunk

    thats why i odered those because of their price and being new to ordering seeds online i've never had any real quality seeds so this will be my first time growing anything but bag seed hope it turns out ok.
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    vision seeds super skunk

    hi everyone new to rollitup and ordering seeds online just wanted to know if anyone has tried vision seeds super skunk and if so how was the grow and end product i ordered 3 from herbies on 10/8/2013 and their almost here already on east coast of the usa i'll be happy to hear anything thanks in...