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  1. D

    how to spot mold?

    i have one batch that i got from a friend a couple of weeks ago. he stored it in a mason jar. Well, I didnt open the jar up for about two weeks and when I went to open it it reeked. The buds look fine, but it smells extra skunky. I think the jar may have been used to store apple sauce or...
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    bud rot and spider mites

    well, i found a couple of white bugs and a couple of little black ones today while harvesting. Is it still ok to smoke the bud? Also, many of my buds have dark brown curled up, ugly looking leaves. Is this a sign of bugs or bud rot?
  3. D

    pics of bud mold??

    Does anybody have any? I tried the search function and came up with very little. Just wanna know what to look out for.
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    how do i know if my bud has seeds or not?? another ques.

    so female plants dont produce seed huh?
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    how do i know if my bud has seeds or not?? another ques.

    Well my bud is about 40% red hairs and 60% white hairs, do you think it contains seeds or no? The reason I ask is because I feel I will have to pull my plant before it is fully ready, due to late october frost (there hasnt been warnings, but late october is usually the time for frost in my...
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    Dumb, Forgetful things you do when your high

    So..I had my stash in a diet snapple bottle. I had the bottle at my parents house and I left it on the computer table and they threw it out!! Oh the agony:confused: Good thing my plant is almost done!:roll::joint:
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    40% red/brown hairs

    well, I will definitely cop a magnifier. Its about time i did that anyway. I will rephrase my question high can i get off of somewhat immature bud? Lets say only 5% of the trichs are amber?
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    40% red/brown hairs

    My plant has 40% red/brown hairs and roughly 60% white hairs. Unfortunately, it hasnt been maturing much at all within the last week due to very little sunlight. I cant move it and I dont see it getting much sunlight within the next few weeks. So, what Im asking is - what type of high can you...
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    plant not getting enough sunlight

    my plant is over a month into flowering and the pistils are turning red/brown. However it is getting nowhere near 12/12 sunlight. Theres a row of trees that just block the good sunlight right out. Its in the ground so I cant move it. Is there any type of nutes or anything that would make up for...
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    3-4 weeks to go in New England?

    i could use another month, we'll see if we get it or not. mine is just slightly thicker than the first pic posted.
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    what to do with pistils when harvesting?

    you guys are awesome, thank you
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    what to do with pistils when harvesting?

    are these things good to smoke? whats the deal with these things?
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    transferring from ground to a pot?? Good idea?

    Its starting to get a lil cold outside and Im nervous about frost. I was thinking of transferring my plant from the ground to a big pot. The plant has been flowering for about a month. The entire plant is covered with pistils everywhere, but the buds dont look super thick and formed yet. Will...
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    1st harvest, joint wont stay lit, curing help

    try rolling a blunt instead and leaving some tobaccy in there
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    My plant has started growing pistils

    Couple things..the plant is not very big and there isnt a whole heck of a lot of leaves. Is this weird eventhough its growing pistils? Also, I have some leaves that have been chewed through by bugs. Should I remove these leaves? If I remove them, do I just take the leaf off or do I remove that...
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    My plant has started growing pistils

    How often should I water it now that its budding?
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    My plant has started growing pistils

    Nice, thanks for the help. Just watered it, and yeah, the pistils are growing in a lot of places and you can start seeing where the buds will be coming through. Any other tips to keep it a healthy plant?
  18. D

    My plant has started growing pistils

    Thanks guys, really appreciate the help. Yeah, the pistils are there, but I cant make out any real bud formation just yet. Do you figure a week or so? And then from that point, I'll wait till the hairs on the bud get a red or brown hue. How many weeks do you figure that will take? The Am...
  19. D

    My plant has started growing pistils

    Approximately how much longer do I have until it starts budding? Im in the American Northeast. The pistils really started becomming noticeable last week. Also, if I wanted to get just a little taste right now, do you think I could smoke some of the leaves? Thanks.