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    NewB needs help on outdoor plants

    what do you mean?
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    NewB needs help on outdoor plants

    Ok so I did a little reading and I made a mistake, I was growing them in little cups for 3 weeks, instead I should have started with the intended final pot size, now I planted them into the ground in my garden, they have like 40 days left, I hope they can grow bigger now.
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    NewB needs help on outdoor plants

    I bought that soil in a GROW shop and according to the internet (which is often wrong) soil PH is good at 6, is that 0.2 able to do this?
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    NewB needs help on outdoor plants

    Hi all, I have 3 autoflower plants that I grow outdoor in a continental weather area (Regular spring here). These plants are almost 4 weeks old, and I wonder why they are growing so slow. The weather here has been mostly cloudy for the past 4 weeks only one week that was shiny. I use regular 5.8...
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    How I Germ my beans

    When do you turn the lights on? Is 42W CFL enough for seedlings? how many watts is optimal at this stage?
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    Seedling Problem

    Thank you guys I really got smarter I think I will start over with a new bean considering every advice you gave me! Thanks again
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    Seedling Problem

    I use Green Label Light mix (5,8 ) bought in a grow shop. I do have air movement. I use boiled tap water for watering (I apply it cold ofc :) ). I dunno the ph of the water. I should buy a tester. But the plant looks healthy except for the little curling and very slow growth. PS: the top of the...
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    Seedling Problem

    Hi everybody! I started growing 2 months ago without any success. I am determined and persistent and I want to learn. My problem is that I cannot get the plant through seedling phase. This is my 4th trying and I am still stuck at the first set of leaves I have never been able to grow it to the...