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  1. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    Thanks a lot for the replies everybody. So right now, the deterioration seems to have stopped completely. I'm also seeing some new leaves on the still living plants. Around 3 couldn't make it and died. The rest still have yellow leaves but are not drooping. What's surprising is that the same...
  2. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    Sorry, I read that ferts could be applied after the 5th node develops, not 4th as I posted earlier. Can someone confirm this? On my most successful plant yet, I didn't use nutes till the 2nd month of veg was over, but it never slowed down or showed any problems of any kind. I want to hold back...
  3. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    OK, quick update: Last time I used livechat, people there told me that it was a clear case of nute burn. So what I did was take the plants and (OK, here, you may stop reading, because what follows is an example of sheer stupidity and getting lucky and basically carnage committed agains...
  4. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    The vermicompost I'm using isn't top notch, that means that it's not all worm castings. It's a fair amount of worm castings mixed with other composted matter. The first time I grew using this method, the plants grew fine. It's this grow (my second) that's giving me so many problems. Could it be...
  5. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    Here's what I don't get though. My first grow was 17 seedlings. 11 of them managed to grow up healthy before heavy rain killed 2 when they were 6 inches high. The 9 that remained live to grow to 12" before an idiot friend I asked to take care of them left them in heavy rain for 4 days straight...
  6. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    yes they do. After transferring them to coco and giving them a thorough flush, the deterioration seems to have stopped
  7. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    thanks for the reply, I just transferred one to straight coco. People here think it's nute burn.
  8. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    any more replies??? Anybody?
  9. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    and vermicompost is basically worm castings with some other composted material. I know for a fact that the nutrient ratio of vermicompost is 1:0:0. What bugs me is that I'm using the same method I used last time, but this time it's failing.
  10. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    I can't get perlite where I am, do you think coco peat could be a good alternative? because I have that. As far as pulling them out of the soil is concerned, around 3-4 plants, when transplanting had their roots visible as sizeable chunks of soil had fallen off. The rest took the entire root...
  11. M

    Please Help!!!! Healthy Seedlings Dying FAST!!!

    Help urgently needed!!! I'm afraid my seedlings aren't going to make it through the night. I started them in seedling trays after germination in the paper towel. After a week and a half in the seedling trays, I noticed that they seemed to be going yellow and not looking very healthy, drooping...
  12. M

    Pre-Flowering Question, I've got preflowers, but can't tell the sex

    When do the pistils start appearing? i.e. how long into preflowering can you expect pistils to emerge?
  13. M

    Pre-Flowering Question, I've got preflowers, but can't tell the sex

    Hi everybody! I've been a long time lurker on this forum and I created an account because I'm finally serious about growing. I've had a couple of plants growing under a 110W CFL, 6500K, cool daylight. The light cycle I'm using is 24/0. Initially, I was using a tube light, followed by a 30W...