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  1. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    Looks great!
  2. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    man thats cool though that it came out as well as it did with no agitation. I can't wait to get my next grow started when I get my own house. then Ill be able to get all the trim I need to practice my water tech cus I am not very good at it last I tried but I LOVE hash. one of my favorite ways...
  3. CloudyWeather

    How do you roll?

    hehe that don't sound too good
  4. CloudyWeather

    How do you roll?

    Also proud to say that After about 10 years now I am finally 100% tobacco and nicotine free just over 3 months now and feeling better than I have in ten years. But those roll-your-own skills paid off haha
  5. CloudyWeather

    How do you roll?

    This is the one thing that I almost can't help bragging about a little bit. I have a bit of a gift for joints. When I was 16 or so I rolled my own cigs by hand for like a solid year and got really good at it. Id roll them with the filter too which I quickly got used to. This transferred over to...
  6. CloudyWeather

    Forced THC Production

    Man Thanks for the tip. I know I've also read T5s are the most energy efficient I think I'll invest in a few of each of these since I'm stuck with fluorescents for the time being anyway. Might as well get the most out of them. I only have one type of bulb in there right now I bet my girl would...
  7. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    well thanks friend I'm glad we have your blessing! :grin:
  8. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    damn dude I'm impressed that that even worked at all let alone that well. even if it yields the same as any other method its still easier. way to go. enjoy that tasty stuff.
  9. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    buddy, don't you think your being a little up-tight about this? honestly, its one dude at home experimenting with his own shit. he has every right to do whatever experiments he wants weather it be up to scientific standard or his own standard. It's not like he's trying to publish articles of his...
  10. CloudyWeather

    "Smells like Sour D...."

    "Smells like Sour D...."
  11. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    Hold up, you got that from freezing in water? That seems pretty good to my eye but I'm no expert yet. Can't wait to see it fully dry.
  12. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    What is more fun to study is really a matter of opinion but I do see your point. I am someone who does not waste time on things that I do not believe will work. That does not mean I do not experiment if I think its worth it, but I like to do things efficiently and as i most highly value my time...
  13. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    That Pocono Screens looks like just what im looking for. :clap:
  14. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    Also, let me ask you something else cus you would probably know better but I have always been told that when trichromes get very cold, they become brittle and break off easier. So in that sense, doesn't freezing (not necessarily in water but just to chill the trim in the freezer by itself) at...
  15. CloudyWeather

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    I have tried traditional sieve methods and I always found it difficult to get high quality product that way. Too much leaf particles fall through with dried trim. I have read somewhere that it is better to do it with wet, cold trim with ice water method but Ive never done it with wet trim. any...
  16. CloudyWeather

    Guerilla growing?

    So judging by your username, I assume you are knowledgable on making dabs? I was wanting to get some information on Co2 methods, if you happen to have any experience on that?
  17. CloudyWeather

    Guerilla growing?

    Thanks very much!
  18. CloudyWeather

    Is Marijuana Cultivation Really Causing California's Drought?

    ok so maybe random was the wrong word but it is based on variation. of course all living things try to improve their chances of surviving. But that still does not mean that a species can just will evolution. it happens on its own. giraffes did not just decide that it would be best to have a...
  19. CloudyWeather

    Is Marijuana Cultivation Really Causing California's Drought?

    actually darwin's concept of Darwinism is often misconceived. There is no intention behind Darwinism. that is a theory based on genetic variation which is completely random. Like for example, one butterfly was randomly born with a slightly darker wing pattern allowing it to not be seen as easily...
  20. CloudyWeather

    Guerilla growing?

    I am going to be transplanting outdoors pretty soon here with my last clone. She is maybe 14-16inches tall. only place I have to work with is in the woods, very secluded, decent spot except... forest canopy. it is very hard to find a spot that gets direct light a good portion of the day. but I...