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  1. smelldatskunk

    My Super Grow Room

    yah prob takes min. of 1-2 hrs. before the body high hits you. Nothing compared to smokin a blunt.haha but yah i had a 215 which allowed me to consume marajuana in the stste of CALIFORNIA for having A.D.D. NICE! but all my canna dis. got shut down for unaccounted pounds and drugs.haha so much...
  2. smelldatskunk

    The Beginning Of The End : 3 days into flowering!!1 1/2 weeks since fem cut(PICS!!)

    Well your doing somthing right by growing a beautiful god made plant!So pat on the back for trying, dont think your lighting equpt. will work for the full cycle til mature. So far so good as i can tell but might want to git a tray to lift the pot up to catch excess water which could cause you a...
  3. smelldatskunk

    cant fuck up again

    dont feed nutes to babys! look at them like their you son or daughter! WOULD you feed your newborn a steak!? I shure hope not, he or she will die. Try formula instead, like a 1/4 solution or just reg. h2o. When healthy, then try a 1/2 solution ,then move towards a full, dont just jump into it...
  4. smelldatskunk

    Grow room ?s

    It is my 1st grow and I take all your info. seriously and will apply ! I need a (mh) for better buds cuz of the uvb or uv light it gives off as well as a hps for great flowering. Can i throw a few cfl's inbetween the plants to add more lumens, or should i stick to side lighting, fig. that a few...
  5. smelldatskunk

    Grow room ?s

    but would that be more energy efficiant than doing a t-5 and a hps??which whould produce more buds and which will be more efficiant on my energy bill?anything would help! OHHH. ALSO. i was wondering would a flood and drain technique be better than soil?would it make any dif??What about...
  6. smelldatskunk

    Grow room ?s

    so lets say i had a nice space for growing, like a 6 foot long,6 foot wide, and lets say 8 1/2 foot high! Should i use a 600-1000w hid, Mh, or hps? which would be least costly , and which would be the best for the buds??
  7. smelldatskunk

    My pic in high times!!!

    Haha Yah man you git 2 GREEN THUMBS UP. Bet you put your issue in a frame.psshhhh is hang that bitch up, but we are all not as lucky as the few, but your in the class of classes now you should feel buzzed.Keep up the good work
  8. smelldatskunk

    Growing legaly

    Yah i need to git my 215 again, plan on doin it soon just need more $! Do i need somthing else to grow for clubs cuz i know i cant grow more than i need medicly, how can i grow for patients and the club to obtain more plants and not git in trouble. I want to make it my job
  9. smelldatskunk

    Construction of a Grow Cabinet - a work in progress

    yah sounds good so far! I was thinkin bout the heat issue you poasted and thought you could direct the heat up and away. Your chamber to the left will vent up into the small chamber above and inside the chamber you can add a carbon filter which will take most, if not all smell away. this will be...
  10. smelldatskunk

    Growin trees "n" trees

    Yah i was thinking of a lil camo awning or somthing over the top of the plant to give it shade and add to the stelthness. And as for the watering i was thinking of going to homedepot and buying a plastic hose and painting it the same color as the bark.from there i can fasten one end to the pot...
  11. smelldatskunk

    400 plant sog

  12. smelldatskunk

    400 plant sog

    Even though four died that is a GREAT start. We all need to be as pro active as you.Food for thought. N stead of ripping out stress seedlings or bunk seed plants, keep them alive and do a trial and error test by using your setup and crap plants to make your adjustments and finetuneing. Once your...
  13. smelldatskunk

    Growin trees "n" trees

    I have a few sprouts, and was wondering.... if i put them in a good soil and had everthing i need to grow outdoors ,and hung them high up in a tree which i trimmed so as light could git to the plant, but not too much, so as the side of the tree seems normal. Do you think it could mature and...
  14. smelldatskunk

    my first plant total noob

    Ohh P.S. if its male = you git no buds
  15. smelldatskunk

    my first plant total noob

    I am a nube. as well but since no one has replyed really, ill say git the same soil raito as above like a 15-30-30 or 10-20-20 same ratio just what ever soil you can purchase . To flower and make your plant bud, change light to 12/12 if outside cover with black tarp make a box out of pvc pipe or...
  16. smelldatskunk

    Y wont they SPROUT???

    haha tahnx guys, but i went and got a lil clone dome,plastic box with starter pucks,from homedepot. put them under a bead but didnt sprout then moved to outside.Sprouts that day!!!=] happy now
  17. smelldatskunk

    GROWING for noobs

    wish that was the case! but i am a noob when it comes to not having a full crop but i know my facts.also npk ratios and light spectrums arnt the ONLY thing you need to know, but if you have an understading of each you might b able to keep your first grow til you do some research of your own and...
  18. smelldatskunk

    Y wont they SPROUT???

    I have had 6 of my seeds in little rockwool cubes with clean purfied water , and 6 others in the same water with a lil superthrive in it. Its been over three days and still no sprouts. I have them in a plastic starter box with a lid and its humid in ther cuz of the water on the top, but its...
  19. smelldatskunk

    auto-flowering dwarf potency

    sounds promising..
  20. smelldatskunk

    GROWING for noobs

    I can respect that nickfury, but i think some help is better than guessing on your own.and yah i havnt cropped my own crop yet, but im looking for better ways and more facts before i grow again, and was just sharing my info ya DICK.haha