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  1. H

    Air conditioning recommendations

    Can anyone recommend a good portable air conditioner for a SEALED 10x10x8 room? Its running a 1000watt HPS and 400 watt HPS both air cooled hoods. I should also mention that this is an attic room so the sun beats off the roof. It is heavily insulated an sealed, but I'm still getting some...
  2. H

    Is there a way to cool a 4 bucket DWC (not recirculating) with a chiller?

    The freezing bottle wont harm the roots? Is there a way to hook up one chiller that can cool all four buckets?
  3. H

    Is there a way to cool a 4 bucket DWC (not recirculating) with a chiller?

    So as the title says, I'm running a 4 bucket (5 gallon buckets) DWC set up. This is standard DWC and NOT recirculating system, so its four separate buckets and each one has one plant. Is there a way to chill the 4 buckets without buying a chiller for each bucket? I know I could convert to...
  4. H

    Need help with hydro issue - lots of details and pics

    just wanted to say thanks for those that helped me out and give everyone a quick little update. For hose who said my girls were under fed, they were right on the money. Alot of people kept telling me it was nute burn, so I was keeping the ppm's low. I decided to go the other way and take the...
  5. H

    Need help with hydro issue - lots of details and pics

    I swear, im telling you the TDS is reading right around 330 (and has always been at that). no bullshit, its something else other than nute has to be, i am barely adding anything and i am religious with checking my PH and PPM's. Im assuming its like a phospherous deficiency or...
  6. H

    Need help with hydro issue - lots of details and pics

    one more's the pics....
  7. H

    Need help with hydro issue - lots of details and pics

    ARGH, why wont the pics attach!
  8. H

    Need help with hydro issue - lots of details and pics

    of course my stoner ass forgot to attach the pictures. here they are.... whats going on with them? they started off great and then just started to crash
  9. H

    Need help with hydro issue - lots of details and pics

    So I've asked this question on several forums but really havent got any good answers. Figured i'd try out rollitup again. I have tried to provide as much details as i can (i just copied and pasted a questionaire from another site) and i have also attached some pictures. Hope someone can help...
  10. H

    To All my Ebb and Flow growers out there!

    How often and for how long are you flooding your trays? I have been told so many different things by so many different posts i've read, I need some feedback from ebb and flow growers as to what they are doing for a feeding schedule. RIght now I'm flooding 4 times a day for 20 minutes. How does...
  11. H

    HELP!!! Hydro Grow gone wrong!

    Thanks King. I'll give your suggestions a try. A little more frequent flooding will hopefully do the trick!
  12. H

    HELP!!! Hydro Grow gone wrong!

    friendly bump. Its already almost on page 3 and I just posted it at noon today! Busy board. haha. Hope someone is able to help!
  13. H

    HELP!!! Hydro Grow gone wrong!

    Hi everyone. Been growing soil successfully for about a year now and decided to change over to hydro and give it a try. This is my first hydro grow. The cuttings are about 3 weeks old, in veg, and things are not going well. I've attached pictures of what my plants currently look like. Below is...
  14. H

    hermie question

    could one hermie cause the entire room to go hermie? in other words, is the hermie capable of pollinating the all the females??
  15. H

    HELP! Why do my leaf tips keep curling down

    anyone know what i can do to straigten this out?
  16. H

    HELP! Why do my leaf tips keep curling down

    yup, yours looks very similar to what I have going on. Hope someone can help. It happened on my first grow all the way through. Still had a decent yeild for a first timer, but would love to get this corrected.
  17. H

    HELP! Why do my leaf tips keep curling down

    Here is a couple pics as requested. I really try not to over water. I usually wait long enough that the plants tell me they need the water when they begin to sag. I have a water meter that I also use to monitor. I really dont think its overwatering, but I am not expert either. Its only my...
  18. H

    HELP! Why do my leaf tips keep curling down

    On both my first grow and now my second grow, about 5 weeks into Veg, my leaf tips starting curling down. Can anyone suggest why this may be happening? I thought on my last grow that I maybe over nuted them, so this grow I have only given them very little nutes. About half strength of earth...