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  1. G

    Wavelength and light temperature...I got a bit confused...

    Hey fysis, I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I'm currently working on building my own grow cabinet using LED lights. If you have a white light, the output spectrum is usually given to you in term of the colour temperature (2700K, 6500K) in Kelvin. White light is a broad spectrum, covering a...
  2. G

    Microcontrolled LED Grow Cabinet

    Thanks for the advice astro. I didn't even think of the massive power loss in those resistors bongsmilie. I've redone the led schematic, and theoretically this is about 80% (83.24%) efficient, assuming each LED is putting out 3W. V1-V8 are used to power each section of LEDs. I've divided them up...
  3. G

    Microcontrolled LED Grow Cabinet

    Thanks for your inputs. I wanted to make each LED panel somewhat small, say 50-100W. I've been playing around with Micro-CAP (electronics software) and this is what i've come up with. The voltage supplies, b0-b7 would represent the I/O pins from a controller. Potentiometers are used to control...
  4. G

    Microcontrolled LED Grow Cabinet

    Here is a quick look at the over layout of the cabinet, as well as my idea for the LED lighting control. I will add more detailed drawings as soon as I can! LED System I plan on controlling N 7-led lighting panels using the BCD to 7-segment display driver, where the 7-segment display will be...
  5. G

    Microcontrolled LED Grow Cabinet

    Updates October 21, 2013 Thread created. Quick project background given, preliminary cabinet model and LED system diagram uploaded October 23, 2013 Added more details regarding LED light source, uploaded preliminary schematic
  6. G

    Microcontrolled LED Grow Cabinet

    Hi everyone, I am new to the forum, although I have browsed and extracted a lot of information from many posts. I have decided I would like to give back to the community by documenting the design and construction on a small cabinet-style grow room. I have a good supply of knowledge from working...