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  1. N

    Moving to colorado to grow..?

    Yes, I was thinking the same thing with the gold rush scenario (except it will be the "green" rush haha) that's why I'm making sure I have stable job before I move and if everything works out as planned maybe even one day switching over to full time growing. I also have another question to...
  2. N

    Moving to colorado to grow..?

    The company I currently work for has a warehouse in Denver which I can transfer to anytime I want. I'll be making around 60k a year give or take. I plan to have money to invest into growing equipment and a house, which I am currently saving up for with a goal of 25k in the bank before I move.
  3. N

    Moving to colorado to grow..?

    Yes, exactly! I guess I should have titled this post differently. This isn't as much as a supportive community as I thought it was going to be hah. Seems to be a lot of negative feedback so far.
  4. N

    Moving to colorado to grow..?

    Thank you, finally someone that actually read part of my post... lol
  5. N

    Moving to colorado to grow..?

    Thank you guys for the mostly positive feedback. I'm young and I definitely want to get out of my state and I feel moving there will be a fresh start. Even if growing doesn't work out I can enjoy it as a hobby.
  6. N

    Moving to colorado to grow..?

    Now before I make myself look like an idiot I wanted some advice from some fellow growers or Coloradans that know the laws, the business, or even if it would be worth it. First off I'll say that I have a couple grows under my belt and It's always been a dream of mine to live in Colorado, even...