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  1. M

    some help

    i am leaning towards my drastic change in temp but here is a few more pics of a leave i found today.
  2. M

    Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Hot/Cold Damage? Normal Wear and Tear? High Res Pics!

    almosts looks like some of the leaves i posted. check my topic named please help. my temps are in flux also right now so i think we have that in common. i run around 75-85 with lights on and seen low 50's light off. i am working on fixing the problem best i can but it is easier said then done.
  3. M

    some help

    since they been under the heavy lights i have not sprayed anything. i veg under t5 using a 4 ft 8 and 6 bulb set up. i may start a grow log once i feel comfortable. this is my second crop so i am still very much a noob
  4. M

    some help

    light burn as in now i have too much light or i have them too close to plants type of burn? i have done the hand over top of plant and it is no where near hot. warm not hot. i do have an oscillating fan. i have my sensor for my entire room canopy level and NEVER OVER 85. i have aza max avid and...
  5. M

    some help

    bugs was the problem ugh!!! i hate mites. should i use avid again or switch it up? also wait just before lights out?
  6. M

    some help

    select plants and leaves. i had sprayed with avid 2 weeks prior to switching so i thought bugs would not be the issue. it was a lower fan leave. they seemed great until just last few days when i switched to 12/12. today was end of week 1. just scoped bugs it is. should i spray before lights out...
  7. M

    some help

    i have a 8 x 6 x 6 space with a 1000 and 2 600 hps for flowering. i think i over fed but wanted to make sure so any help.
  8. M

    My first legal grow!!

    wow very nice. sick setup.
  9. M

    room design

    So i flushed today using royal flush. They all started pretty high at first but i got the runoff to settle around 350? Some around 250 but no lower then that. should i feed next watering using base and enzyme as instructed above now that the medium is clean?
  10. M

    room design

    Had a friend tell me its my lighting. Any ideas on this suggestion? Was also thinking of flushing all them so i can have a fresh start using just the base and enzymes as suggested. Thought they were gonna need water/fed today but all the pots seemed heavy still so it did not happen. After i...
  11. M

    room design

    the ladies as promised < ----she looks all sad but shes watered and not over watered either ----> This is not all of them just a few shots of what is going on. I read grow journals and see people using cfls and it just seems that i am failing at something. Could be my autos still have me...
  12. M

    room design

    basic view of the room fresh air intake dust shroom on other side of intake view of filter another pic of room you can see the ac back there along with the filter. pics of the ladies are on the way
  13. M

    room design

    Ok i did forget to mention about my exhaust and intake. i use 2 6 inch active air fans. On the intake side i use a dust shroom to avoid any unwanted debris being sucked in. The exhaust end of things i am using a filter. I can post pics of the entire setup and of some ladies tomorrow when they...
  14. M

    room design

    I am assuming the a and b are my base nutes per say zym and rhizo? sorry this is my first grow and with what the autos gave me i feel as if i failed miserbally so i am reaching out for help on what to improve.
  15. M

    room design

    So i have a 1000 and 600 watt setup. My 600 is running at 75% power right now so i do understand that does not help. The space itself is 5 ft wide 8 ft long. i had around 20 plants in the area. It is kept cool by a portable ac. Temp runs around 75 and humidity no higher then 32%. I did read that...
  16. M

    finally harvest time

    i got a coolmist humidifier and keeping the space i am using for drying at a 50% humidity level. the temp i have not gone below 60 and a high of 74. i did take the big fan leaves off but left sugar leaves on. gonna trim everything prior to hanging next time and see how that goes.
  17. M

    finally harvest time

    so my humidity levels are ok? i read you need 45-55 % when drying? i got this far really do not want to fuck it up now
  18. M

    finally harvest time

    Well my first few autos are within days of finishing. On to my questions. I have read 65-75F is optimal for drying. i got that down as my room is between 70-73 at any given time. My issue is rh. I can not raise that to what i read is optimal. Room sits at around 27-30%. I was thinking about...
  19. M

    few issues

    the ones with purple are in veg under a some t5's. i have 4ft 6 bulb and 8 bulb in my 5 x 5 tent. ill feed them and look for changes as it seems that it is some sort of deficiency.
  20. M

    few issues

    yea im gonna feed both of them as soon as possible. i am just concerned with the stems but i have read what you suggested. as for the leaves they are green with no discoloration as you can see in the pics. the first pic is one of my ladies in flowering