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  1. C

    Buy Regionally grown Pot or grow your own

    My thoughts exactly.
  2. C

    Money is a gateway drug.

    I know you quite well. You spend your entire life sitting in front of a computer "blithering", that tells me everything I need to know about you. If your government is stupid enough to hand me a million dollar bonus I'm going to take it. There is the downfall. A bill was passed by a bunch...
  3. C

    Money is a gateway drug.

    This is pretty much one of the most ignorant statements that I have seen in a while. You obviously have no ambition whatsoever. Or a job, or a life. You seem to be consumed with jealousy. You sit on your ass all day and all night (obviously) on the computer trying to think of things to say...
  4. C

    ahh i just about shit myself!!!!

    I would be finding some new friends. People like that will bring nothing but grief into your life.
  5. C

    same sex marriage hearing

    Here in the small country where I live, there are no "known" faggots. It's not an issue here, it's never even brought up in general conversations here. I personally believe that most people who claim to be gay are not gay at all. I think it's a "fad". A lot of sick society pressure put on...
  6. C

    same sex marriage hearing

    This whole subject should be put back in the closet where it belongs.
  7. C

    Hello from the West Indies

    Been reading the forums for a while, just thought I would say hello and thanks for all the information.