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  1. D

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    yeah ay Bro, didnt realise til i got back to the house all relaxed that the photos were well shit haha il go have another go later today when they wake up ;-) cheers for the reply tho bro with the lights off this time o_O
  2. D

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Can anyone help me with this problem not sure what is happening never had this problem before been under 12/12 for 46 days ph is 5.9-6.2 ppm is 130 x10 run off is normally 150-160x10 there's no light leak temp is steady at 34 deg C is it regrowth,foxtailing,dreading or........doesn't seem even...
  3. D


    Can anyone help me with this problem not sure what is happening never had this problem before been under 12/12 for 46 days ph is 5.9-6.2 ppm is 130 x10 run off is normally 150-160x10 there's no light leak temp is steady at 34 deg C is it regrowth,foxtailing,dreading or........doesn't seem even...
  4. D

    Causes of Foxtailing

    Can anyone help me with this problem not sure what is happening never had this problem before been under 12/12 for 46 days ph is 5.9-6.2 ppm is 130 x10 run off is normally 150-160x10 there's no light leak temp is steady at 34 deg C is it regrowth,foxtailing,dreading or........doesn't seem even...