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  1. NewThumb

    Thug pug genetics anyone?

    Snagged 2 packs of meatbreath. The #12 looks beautiful but does anyone think it's lacking yield?
  2. NewThumb

    Almost arrested growing! 3 Cop cars surrounded me!

    Good luck man. Let us know how this goes.
  3. NewThumb

    Thunderstorms, is rain harmful for baby sprouts?

    Same here. The thunderstorm was amazing I am scared for my one baby plant outside. I hope it survived, don't want to check because I will leave footprints. I might have to grab her tonight if it starts up.
  4. NewThumb

    What type of plant do I have?

    You want to know the strain? or if its sativa or indica?
  5. NewThumb

    when should i put in bigger pot?

    I am also a noob but for me I would say when it looks like its too big for the pot. OR When you can see little roots through the holes on the bottom side of the pot.
  6. NewThumb

    Whats wrong?

    The humidity dome seems to be helping it but its biggest set of leafs are nothing of what they were this morning. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. NewThumb

    Brown Dirt Warrior

    Not regularly, but he has.
  8. NewThumb

    Whats wrong?

    I just put a humidity dome over it and pulled it inside. I'm thinking that it isn't getting any water to the leafs (curling) so hopefully some humidity will help. Reached 107 today.
  9. NewThumb

    Whats wrong?

    Sorry no picture. My camera is broken. The stock of my seedling is "pinching" or "choking" itself. What is this? Will she survive? She was stretching so I covered above where it was looking bad with soil to hopefully get roots going there.
  10. NewThumb

    Fertilizer For Your Guerrilla Grow

    Can anyone confirm this? I have 2 pigs of my own and I just throw their shit in the field for my dad's crops.
  11. NewThumb

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    Approx. 7 but I'm not too sure about this ph reader I have. Its the cheap one from Homedepot.
  12. NewThumb

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    The problem has been the same amount of unhealthy but the new leafs are growing at a slower rate than the ones before.
  13. NewThumb

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    bump for answer
  14. NewThumb

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    Yes it has holes. I am trying to get different soil to transplant it. Will it grow better in like 2 weeks since it will be older and can use nutes?
  15. NewThumb

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    I water it when it looks dry and the only nutes are comming from the MG soil.
  16. NewThumb

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    I will get pics soon but I am concerned. My plant looks a little stunted. Its 18 days old and only has 6 leafs. 2 of which are the baby leafs that it starts with. It looks like its drooping a bit and its kind of yellowish. Last week it looked a lot greener than it is now. Also, just yesterday...
  17. NewThumb

    When is it too late to start???

    Just got one to sprout today. Waiting for the other few.
  18. NewThumb

    How Long Did Your Seeds Take to Arrive?

    I ordered from a really sketchy site but they delivered to my house in 5 days.
  19. NewThumb

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    Can't wait to be growing and watching you grow!
  20. NewThumb

    Growing in a corn field

    Plant once the corn has reached about a foot. Usually that's when they stop spraying. Make sure you know how many day corn it is. It could be cut down before you even get to harvest.