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  1. BobBudz


    The stars form the THC molecular structure : )
  2. BobBudz


    So I am a big closet supporter of Marijuana legalization, but unfortunately it is not an accepted idea in my profession. I've been wanting to get a MJ inspired tattoo for awhile, but haven't really been able to come up with anything stealth enough. I recently thought of a space theme tattoo. I...
  3. BobBudz


  4. BobBudz

    LED light choices?

    I have never heard anything good about LEDs. The upfront cost is alot and from what I have heard they don't work well for growing, something to do with not the right light spectrum. Idk i'm still pretty new. I only have 1 successful grow from seed to harvest under my belt. I used CFLs and they...
  5. BobBudz

    How much light do I really need?

    I have an armoire that I will be using for a stealth grow. Its about 5ft tall, 2ft deep and 3ft wide. I plan to grow 2 plants. How much light will be needed start to finish. I have: (all CFLs) 2 X 42w 3 X 26w 4 X 23w 1 x 20w So I have a good amount of bulbs, and of course I could hit the...