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  1. L

    Seedling help needed. Just stopped growing. Plz help.

    Hi It looks like your LED light is too close to the plant. Its not heat stress! The blue spectrum diodes of your led are turning oxygen into ozone. Ozone is an unstable compound which will burn your plant in high concentration. Keep your led 24" above your plant. Using nuts at this stage is...
  2. L

    Heat or Light Stress

    Ok, good, you should see signs of recovery with in a couple of days. Watch for the progression of leafs damage. I would put some small fan directly on the plants, to make soil dry faster. Let your soil dry for a week before watering Next watering make nutrient solution at 1/2 ratio, always...
  3. L

    Heat or Light Stress

    By the way, I wouldn't wait until your next watering, than it may be too late!
  4. L

    Heat or Light Stress

    I am sure, that this is a nutrients burn. But there is a slight chance of deficiency. Either way, solution is the same. You just need to flush it with water(Ph 6.6) 3 times the amount of the pot as soon as possible! That should neutralize your grow medium. Than water it with the nutrient...
  5. L

    Heat or Light Stress

    What is the Ph and PPM of runoff?
  6. L

    Curling Up Leaves?

    Hi, Do not fertilize at this stage and let you soil dry a little before watering. If using a tap water, you need to oxidize it for few hours with aquarium air pump to vaporize chlorine! How ever problem is occurred and some actions have to be taken. Flush your plants with oxidized water...
  7. L

    Possible N deficiency and leaf edges pointing up/canoeing

    It looks more like over fertilized to me. flush it with enough pure water, to collect runoff, check Ph and PPM of your runoff. From that you can tell if you over or under fertilizing your plants. PS. I wouldn't use full amount of recommended nutrients, always start with 1/4 and slowly adjust...
  8. L

    need help with willowing weeds

    did you use any fertilizers at this stage? what water do you use, tap or RO?? Also very important to know the Ph and PPM of water you use. You need some fans and carbon air filter. (Air around the plants has to be fully refreshed every 5 minutes) Do not water too often, your soil looks a bit...
  9. L

    Spotty Light discoloration on leaves

    Need more details. Tap water or RO? Ph level and PPM of your reservoir, what kind of light do you use and how close do you keep it. what nutrients do you use and ratio of recommended dose? what temperature and humidity in your grow room? As many details as possible. Right now it looks like a...
  10. L

    Are they looks fine ?

    That one hole as a "drainage" is your main problem! Your plants are in moister stress, also there is a nute burn, and it looks like you've been spraying your leafs with the fertilizer solution, and I think Ph level was not been properly regulated. Anyway just make at least 6 more holes, than...
  11. L

    please help, I think its going to die :-(

    Yeah, it does look much healthier. What did you do to it?
  12. L

    please help, I think its going to die :-(

    Flush your plants with tap water 3 x pot size (if pot is 15 liters, flush with 45 liters of water). But before that, oxidize water with air pump for few hours (to vaporize chlorine out of the water and get Ph level to around 7). Flush with 3-5 litters at the time, wait until all runoff is...
  13. L

    Yellowing/purpling of leaves in young plants

    I am not very experienced grower, I am more of a theoretical! But in this situation I would get a little air pump + liquid silicon and Ph down solution. As a tap water mainly has high Ph level, so, it has got to be reduced for flush, you will need to run your air pump in your water for a few...