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  1. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    hey everyone this is it finally. So i chopped em about 2 weeks ago and theyve been curing for about a week and smells as if funky and fruity had a baby.. it looks soooooo dank. I smoked some and this shit is the real deal. it is pretty much a head sinker. you feel it right smack in the...
  2. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    well I had 7 of them growin under a 600 watt HPS w/ digi ballast.
  3. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    what plant? grown under or under-grown?
  4. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    So last night was the night! the big CHOP! Me and a couple of buddies gathered for some beers and to cut some dank buds... Hang in there I got a lot of pics! This sheila was cut down on Sunday. This was the line-up for last night good luck gotta love it :hump: If...
  5. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    heres where were at.. it is the start of week 9 and I flushed these bitches for the first time on Sunday. Ill let the pictures do the talkin.. Group Shot in the tub uhhhh WOOOOOOO!!!! Stay with me kids I'm almost there.. about a week to go...
  6. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    haha thanks man.. well first of all I could have never guessed that everything worked out the way it did. I couldn't have been happier. So here's the story.. Me and my homie went to pick up a half of some blueberry that we knew had seeds in it.. It was some pretty dank stuff that I can say...
  7. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    hello there I am currently in week 8 and hoping these bitches are gunna be done soon cuz im itchin' to smoke some. I have some pics; i had a lot of better ones, but my stoned ass deleted them (don't ask how) :shock: anywho lets get to em.. You can see that some of the trichomes...
  8. marilize legajuana

    My 2 Wk Old Bluberries/Big Buds-HYDRO INDOOR Garden,LOTS OF PICS-LETS HOPE FOR GIRLS!

    lookin good man... Week 8 just started for my blueberries, check em and lemme know what you think.
  9. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    Start of week 8 and these bitches are looking spectacular... check em. the smell in here is phenomenal There's trichomes EVERYWHERE!:hump: shits gettin real.. stay tuned for more madness. :peace:+:joint:
  10. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    yeah im plannin on another 3 1/2 to 4. we'll see...
  11. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    Yesterday was the start of week 7 and i just got done feeding them.. 13.75ml Cocos a&b 5.8 ml Bud xl .8 tsp of shooting powder(per gallon) these shelas are looking BOMB close ups oh yeah :hump: stay tuned playas much more to come... respect for the replies and...
  12. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    yeah im way stoked on the outcome so far.. and i cant wait till i chop em in a few weeks or so.. but tonight i picked up a C02 bottle and i plan to get it set up by the end of the week.. anyone have experience with bottles? any tips/info would be appreciated. im trying to figure out when and how...
  13. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    Its the start of week 6 and you know what that means... I started the shooting powder last night so these chicas are huge. chheck it.. I LOVE IT Damn you fine girl.. Grouper yummm... Lovin it.. My temp is startin to get HOT (90s). no good, but they dont...
  14. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    fuck yeah.. hard work is finally showin some rewards..
  15. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    So here's where were at... week 5 started on Sunday and these chicas are gettin CRAZY! I got mad picks so lets check em. There's buds EVERYWHERE!! group shot Trichome production has really boomed in the last couple of days. More More More I love checkin out the nodes...
  16. marilize legajuana

    I got 7 of my own BB and they just started week 5 ill take some pics later tonight so you can...

    I got 7 of my own BB and they just started week 5 ill take some pics later tonight so you can get a current shot of em. check out my journal though.
  17. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    Today makes it the start of week 4 and these chicks are lovin the bud xl. check the pics and you'll smell what im steppin in. grouper ive been waiting for the day to post pics of some buds :bigjoint: oh baby.. the next couple weeks are going to get crazy. respect for...
  18. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    So here's where were at. I'm currently feeding: 10ml cocos A&B 3.8ml multi-zyme 1.1ml roots xl Ph:5.8 Temp: 70-75 R Humid: 50-60% Sunday made it the start of week 3 and these bitches are startin to get dank. have a look for yourself.. solo shot say CHEEEESE so i got this...
  19. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    Hell yeah.. where did you get your BB shoot some pics an lemme see em.:eyesmoke:
  20. marilize legajuana

    1st grow Blueberry- right track?

    Hey dudes and dudetts got some new pics for y'all. I got my seeds from a sack i bought. I got some new seeds from my homie who bought em online.. so i got 2 og kush seeds germin as we speak. now for the flickers group shot Hey big guy Here's a flower shot at 9 days...