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  1. O

    How much would you pay?

    $60.00 for a "G" of "Pink Flake"???!!! was $120.00 a "G" in the late 70s/early 80s...I'd pay $200.00 a "G"...Alex
  2. O

    How much would you pay?

    If you compare Thai Stick to high-quality Mex, you have NO CLUE about the strength of Thai stick, also Thai stick is NOT wrapped with bamboo, but rather thread ( at times silken thread)...Alex
  3. O

    How much would you pay?

    HUGE DIFFERENCE between getting a blowjob from a toothless Meth head vs a Super Model....well maybe NOT 4 U...Alex
  4. O

    Mohican's 2014 Season

    A Marine supply store such as "West Marine" will have quite a supply of barbed hose fittings, as they are very common in many marine applications...Alex
  5. O

    Whats the craziest shit that you believe in? OMG

    Science builds Airplanes & Skyscrapers Religion flies Airplanes into Skyscrapers ...Alex
  6. O

    Whats the craziest shit that you believe in? OMG

    If "I" had the "CHOICE" to either "A"...sleep in a cold house ( I would venture to presume a house in Maine has a FIREPLACE) or "B"...shallow the wrong end of a double barrel!!!.....then "I'm" going to be chilly...BUT NOT DEAD!!!...Alex
  7. O

    Whats the craziest shit that you believe in? OMG

    You are NOT even the "Life of the Party", let alone the universe. Question for you...How soft are the walls in a "Rubber Room"?!...Alex
  8. O

    Whats the craziest shit that you believe in? OMG

    I believe the bible is a fairy tale, people that are religious are sheep, if you don't believe in infinity, then you believe you live in a GIANT BOX...Alex
  9. O

    Merry Christmas Eve/Christmas to all the HS people!

    Yet your Massive Ego lead you to reply, patently illustrative of exactly how counter-intuitive your direct actions are..."Check & Mate"....when & "if" you ever graduate from the little yellow bus, feel free to attempt to engage the adults in cognitive dialogue ...Alex
  10. O

    Merry Christmas Eve/Christmas to all the HS people!

    Why limit yourself to just the holidays?!'re "Jaded"...ALL THE TIME!!!...Alex
  11. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    Referred to as "Carpet Crawlers" in my neck of the holler...Alex
  12. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    I thought I was clear, I have empathy for addicts, NO tolerance for those that make it a life choice...Alex
  13. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    After I was electrocuted I was in immense pain for a Looooooong period of time, had a pyramid of Pain killers. Got so taking a shit was like pushing a brick out my ass, was suffering from PTSD was on a pyramid of mood altering drugs...I was a MESS!!!...get clean from cocaine/free base..& now I'm...
  14. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    I should have been more clear..."a golf ball of Opium". I don't believe I have addictive tendencies any longer, or else my "Golf Ball" would quickly vanish. My "Monkey" I KILLED LONG AGO!!!. I Have empathy for those who struggle, I have NO sympathy for those that make their life to be an addict...
  15. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    I have NO tolerance for habitual re-offenders. I got "Clean", I call myself a "Chipper" now, because I KNEW & HATED what I had become Did I relapse? the purest sense of the word YES!!, But I caught myself. I believe ALL people can become AS Clean as they want to be....being an ADDICT is a...
  16. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    I will add some additional background information. I have been clinically DEAD TWICE in my life, I survived a multi fatality car crash ( 3 DIED, I came back from the dead) in my early 20s, In my forties I was killed during a Industrial electrocution ( I was a certified High Rise Welder) the...
  17. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    You asked in a civil manner ( I appreciate that) so I will answer truthfully. I grow outdoors for personal consumption & being able to FREELY give away to friends & casual aquaintances. I REALLY ENJOY the ability/ies to give some a "package" of the "Backyard", knowing they are really going to...
  18. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    He's a backpeddler , when confronted with facts, he cries for his MOMMIE & runs home for some coddling & breast milk. I challenged him....he RAN AWAY like the Spineless worm he is...Alex
  19. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    I know Exactly where I WON'T BE & that's Strung Out on ANY Drug!!!...Alex
  20. O

    ok here's my situation. ...

    That's the Gulf Cartel's trademark "Los Escorpiones" "The Scorpions"...Alex