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  1. liltree1

    Grow Journal #7- Stealth Apartment GrowCab on the planet Mars, CFLs & 400w HPS

    Great Grow man..cant wait to hear about the yield
  2. liltree1

    First michigan outdoor grow

    Thnks alot !
  3. liltree1

    First michigan outdoor grow

    Guys feel free to ask questions, and leave tips for me.
  4. liltree1

    First michigan outdoor grow

    I got 11 babys in the room vegging, 8 of which are going outside as soon as it warms up a little more. It was a terrible frost this weekend, i have to go check on the plants already outside to see if theyre ok:cry:. But heres a pic of my setup> enjoy
  5. liltree1

    Bagseeds under Cfl's.........

    Nice Bro..How many cfls are u running? and did u change the color spectrum for flowering?
  6. liltree1

    Bagseeds under Cfl's.........

    mad props bro!!
  7. liltree1

    2000w Purple Kush/Mystery Beans-RND3

    buds look great!
  8. liltree1

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    great job man. whats the best type of red spectrum cfls for flowering/
  9. liltree1

    scrOG closet grow

    Plants lookin nice and healthy! great job look forward to watching these babys.
  10. liltree1

    First michigan outdoor grow

    Ok I have 25 sprouted seedlings currently in a peat seed starter kit. the are reaching to the sky.:clap:I also have 3 seeds in my home made dwc bubbleponics system in my closet under 6 26 watt cfls. i plan on adding atleast 5 more 26 watters and also a couple soft whites in a tube to mix up the...
  11. liltree1

    Bagseed Grow Round 2

    what type of soil are you using? and do you plan on transplanting those babys if so. whats you plan?
  12. liltree1

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    yeah thats the truth of the matter. 3 3/4 pounds is a great ammount, that i would be more than happy with. as long as i have something to harvest and make some good clones with. But that ammount would forsure last me through the winter, also im starting a grow in Las Vegas for my aunt who has...
  13. liltree1

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    THis is my 3rd grow, first time outdoors, i live 15 mins from detroit in the burbs, i have a home made bubbleponics system to start my seedlings. as they sprout i take em outside. i have 5 goin at my bois grandmas, and 4 in my backyard where i have some woods, right now not all the trees around...
  14. liltree1

    2nd go around..drop tips and hints you discovered

    haha you know how it is, we bust our ass, but in the off season we got to stay true to ganja
  15. liltree1

    2nd go around..drop tips and hints you discovered

    here are some pics it may not be clear because they arent big yet but hopefully you get the idea
  16. liltree1

    2nd go around..drop tips and hints you discovered

    by screws what do u mean?
  17. liltree1

    2nd go around..drop tips and hints you discovered

    thanks for the tips, i put the cards in and it helped 100% with the noise, another tip for lighting when it gets too tall for the ag light is to purchase 3 or 4 clamp lights from home depot for about 6 bucks a peice and splitters for each. I put 100 watt day light cfls so its about 8 bulbs...
  18. liltree1

    2nd go around..drop tips and hints you discovered

    Im back for my second gro, i had to scrap my 3 ft tall babys cause i got snitched on but fuck high school. This time i have 3 bagseeds in the ag and im going organic. this is day 3 and so far they are strong and healthy. I decided to go organic because i got tired of curing the chemical burn...
  19. liltree1

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    I am using the aerogarden, i have a relly nice setup, i removed the hood and set up some clamp lights, with cfls and started flowering, they are about 3 weeks in and they are doing great, i had to scrap a male plant, but i have 2 fems, i see buds everywhere, is there any way to speed up the...
  20. liltree1

    Aerogarden v3.0

    im pretty much of a newbie also heck im a senior in h.s living with my mom, this system is idiot proof, i use one nute tablet every 2 weeks, anything else would be too strong, the only time i changed the water was on 2 occasions because i place too many tabs in at once and i had some chemical...