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  1. jondoe69

    miracle grow

    Miracle Grow is fine to use....just don't make the mistake and add fertilizer to the soil thinking the plant needs it. You will burn the plant with too much nutrients. Like a big dummy....I did that once in the past! You live and you will never happen again. Only neutral soil and I...
  2. jondoe69


    Perhaps he did not clean out the tube for the ashes to be drawn into the water? It you go too long with out reaming it out to clean it....that combination of ash and resinated matter could cause the bong to stop drawing air through the pipe. Just a thought.... Peace
  3. jondoe69

    How am I doing?

    You are doing fine! This website has some great information....and is a great source for tips. Remember...getting rid of the smell is the most important....folks will know you are growing by smell, before they see anything. Regarding the light during flower your best to block out...
  4. jondoe69

    Secret 1st Grow!

    I agree...put some water in the grow space...perhaps a pan or should add some humidity. Good luck on your grow. Peace....
  5. jondoe69

    Trichomes Farm in a Closet Week 5

    Bigbud...Yes...those are water droplets....not white spots....water/feeding. Spittn4cash....I'm not sure they are small for their age...they are tied down. Low Stress about 6 hours the tips will be standing stragigh up...I'll take a photo and add it later. If I let them stand...
  6. jondoe69

    purple indica.. FLOWERING (pics) CFL

    Hello Acidraindrips, I can answer a few of your questions...perhaps not all. You stated that you an not go with HPS or MH lighting. My guess is that for the flowering cycle you will want to go with as much light as your space can handle. If heat is your concern...and you have a limit on...
  7. jondoe69

    Trichomes Farm in a Closet Week 5

    3/5/07 – The kids are almost 5 weeks old! In three weeks I will start the flower cycle. Second round of Low Stress Training (LST) was just completed. Each plant was taken out of the grow space and a second twist tie was added at approximately 2 – 3 inches from the right of the last anchor clip...
  8. jondoe69

    male of female?? pic

    Balls baby...balls! That is most certainly a dude!
  9. jondoe69

    Help please

    Remember....what we all are growing is a WEED! Hearty and stout! Better to underwater...and let it droop a little...when you water will perk up in minutes. If you over drown the plant...err on the side of keeping your plants THIRSTY.
  10. jondoe69

    Price of soil??

    Be careful buying soil. As you have it nutrient free? I made the mistake on an early grow....forgot to look and got Miracle Grow! I then added fertilizer and surprise, plants got completely burnt! Soil is so cheap....Walmart....$1.95 for 20 lbs. bag....nutrient free!
  11. jondoe69

    How Can I Get A Medical Card?

    First question...should you do it if you DON'T qualify? As Homer Simpson would say, "Duh?" Come's nice if you can get a medical card to allow you to "Legally" purchase and use weed, but folks that live in in the USA don't have the Canadian option. Discreetly ask around...find a good...
  12. jondoe69

    Easy to Build DIY Carbon Filter

    Very informative. While looking around for info on DIY air scrubbers I stumbled on something about re-using the activated charcoal after a while. I tried it and it is working great on my DIY air scrubber. Heat the activated charcoal in an oven for 30 mins. at 350 degrees. I know it won't last...
  13. jondoe69

    need some help please is hard at first to resist the temptation to water....and water...and water some more when you first start to grow. is called weed! It is a tough plant... it will bounce back. Better to dry it out than drown it.... Also...don't forget to have a small fan moving...
  14. jondoe69

    How Can I Get A Medical Card?

    sorry here is the website:
  15. jondoe69

    How Can I Get A Medical Card?

    Check out this website.....the woman lives in Canada. Although her condition is completely different than yours...she may be able to answer your questions about the process in Canada. Good luck and Peace....
  16. jondoe69

    Who's your favorite stoner celeb??

    Louis Armstrong!
  17. jondoe69

    Seeds, does this really matter?

    Hey Bigballin007....we all will be very curious to see your findings. If you can take pictures of the seeds and track it till flower season...that would be great. Thanks. :peace:
  18. jondoe69

    Trichomes Farm in a Closet - Continued

    2/8/07 – Almost 2 weeks old and looking strong. All seedlings have been transplanted and look to be thriving in the new soil. I have been watering the plants with the “root booster” mix to make the root system as large as possible. I may try to keep some in the small pots and keep boosting the...
  19. jondoe69

    Trichomes Farm in a closet

    1/27/07 – After 24 hours of seeds in between two wet paper towels…on seedling electric warming mat…covered in Saran wrap….we have some root tips showing. 12 seedling cups were created with a mixture of Wal-mart generic potting soil and Perolite. My guess is that I have 6 seeds with good root...
  20. jondoe69


    Thanks Big Bud and others! I'll try it out and see if that helps. Appreciate the assistance. Grow Strong, :peace: </IMG>