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  1. Lord Green Thumbs

    Chem induced males.

    there inst an easier way an a cheap way to do this? im new an wanna learn is y im asking i use to be a mad grower but old school grower an this new species of seeds is new to me. so i ask again is there an easy easy way with out electrocuting myself that i can make this plant male? or a place...
  2. Lord Green Thumbs

    Chem induced males.

    hi does anyone know if its only reg plants, or is it possible to do it with auto flowers. Can u spray to make males with the chems i ve been hearing about? not quiet sure what there called im trying to find out no one video tells all ingredients. if someone could help and or let me know a link...
  3. Lord Green Thumbs

    New to the auto flower grow cycle.

    Hi there im new an would love all the advice i can get. my lil lady is 5 days old. Vision Super Skunk Auto .. nice dark green super fine. sprouting like mad. hope all u guys likethe lil lady an hope to hear ur info regarding tips an tricks ty
  4. Lord Green Thumbs

    hey bro u find me yet

    hey bro u find me yet