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  1. Sneeperlover420

    Brown 'n' Crispy

    thanks for the response, i decided to remove all brown n crispy buds, and the newer buds are all green and sticky. There was slow growth at first but now seems to be flowering as normal. I tried to get pictures but the quality just wasnt good enuff. Funny, cos in the pictures i took it looks...
  2. Sneeperlover420

    Brown 'n' Crispy

    Hello, i have just come to the completion of my first grow, at least i thought i had. However, after growing my plant to 3ft, it got snapped down to about 2ft, totally by accident and totally gutting, and thats another long story. I thought it was doomed from then on but despite the catastrophe...
  3. Sneeperlover420

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    I'm from Preston mate, bout 40mins drive from manchester
  4. Sneeperlover420

    Male flowers containing hairs?

    WOW! thats exactly whats happened to my plant over the last 2/3 days. Just in the 4th week of flower and everything was looking sweet, i was 100% sure it was female until 2 days ago when i found small 'BUNCHES' of banana shaped leaves. I too have read about these being on a male plant. My...
  5. Sneeperlover420

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    er, yeah, sorry NorCal, i was on about Louis. i was needin some smoke and wanted to know if he wer local. my bad.
  6. Sneeperlover420

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    are you from UK? where abouts?
  7. Sneeperlover420

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    Looks awsome pal, nice job.
  8. Sneeperlover420

    My first Grow in a Closet Using CFL's

    i have just read the whole thread and everything looks good to me. I too am a 'first grow noob', i agree on the starting small and spending little until i have gained some experience, I live in the UK and have done mine in my greenhouse and let nature take its course. So far (currently in 3rd...
  9. Sneeperlover420

    HELP! Yellowing and werid leaves!

    that HEAT STRESS info has pointed me in the right direction. I too am a new grower and havnt supplemented the water i use to grow, i've jus let nature take its course. My plant is in it 3rd week of flower and i'm gettin yellow and purple leaves. Do you know if its too late to start using...