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  1. G

    joining the military

    Yeah, I'll look into that. Thanks much.
  2. G

    joining the military

    I don't have any desire to be a fucking jarhead. My sister's one, and that's enough for one gene pool. recruiter and his buddy came to my house again just earlier to have me sign some papers about records and medical checks and gave me some more stuff to finish about where I've lived...
  3. G

    Heavy metal in baghdad!

    Just watched this movie, and I thought I'd share-FUCKING AWESOME. This film was intense to say the least. If anyone's into metal or politics, you should watch this movie. Long live Acrassicauda!!! ACRASSICAUDA BIO Born out of a basement rehearsal space in Baghdad, Acrassicauda (Latin...
  4. G

    joining the military

    No, I don't know this. What are you talking about?:sad:
  5. G

    joining the military

    *ahem* Weekend Warrior here....not doing the active duty that changes the perspective a bit
  6. G

    joining the military

    wow. so that's what my tax dollars have been going to. God bless America. That's fucking disgrace that I wouldn't be proud of if I were you. But do they really piss you randomly? I am willing to quit once I'm in basic, but if I want to go home for the weekend what's gonna happen? It would...
  7. G

    joining the military

    o.k. so it's been a while, and I'm seriously considering joining up. I'm thinking the Army is the best option. My recruiter supposedly hooked me up with a 20k enlistment bonus plus a 5k "quick ship" bonus, all other incentives also included of course. I'm kind of freaking out here because I'm...
  8. G

    Total thus far from the bailouts- at least $1.8 TRILLION DOLLARS.

    This is definitely disturbing. I was just looking at some info. on how much we spend on our military each fiscal year. 515 billion for this year, starting in October. I'm wondering why our government's spending on the military is only a fraction of funds set aside for this 'financial crisis'...
  9. G

    joining the military

    wow. lots of very strong opinions. It seems the military really leaves an impact on people's lives. Changes you. I spoke with a guy a while back who served in Nam-he was an air force bomber b-2 I think? Or something older. Anyway, he was talking about how their aircraft was coming down and...
  10. G

    joining the military

    Do you really think they'd ship a female medical services worker aka "Hospital Corpsman" from the Navy to a war zone? I wonder if it's true that Navy medics often get sent to the front lines along with the Marines.
  11. G

    joining the military

    Do you think mental health services is technical enough? I think the training is 13 weeks in the Navy for that one and 19 weeks for the Army.
  12. G

    joining the military

    Word. Almost makes me want to stop dicking around and make a decision already. The only thing keeping me from signing up right now is waiting to see who'll get elected...I think right now is a not such a good time to join the miltary-what if McCain is elected and decides to continue the...
  13. G

    joining the military

    Thanks everyone for telling like it is. I'm really sorry life's so rough for vets. It;s not right. You guys DO deserve better-being willing to pay the ultimate price for our basic freedoms, and this is the kind of treatment you come home to. I respect you all for saying that shit, because it...
  14. G

    joining the military

    Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it. They are allowed to randomly test you, and you will likely be incarcerated for both lying on a government document (saying you never used drugs), and for being in possession of an illegal substance on government property. Pretty serious offenses, not to mention an...
  15. G

    joining the military

    sounds like bullshit to me. too good to be true. unless, of course you're a genius. And most who join the military are certainly NOT in that intelligence bracket. But I don't think your lucrative return was because of your involvement with the Navy; it was probably because of your...
  16. G

    joining the military

    Thanks! oh, btw, am I being ripped-off if my recruiter says I can't enlist as an officer with a Bachelor's degree? I was told I'd enlist in the rank of E-4. That sound right?
  17. G

    joining the military

    Which job did you see most of the female enlistees doing? I bet there are a lot in the medical field
  18. G

    joining the military

    Yeah, I'm not interested in being sent to a war zone and having to fucking sew people's arms back on and shit. Why do medical service corpsmen have to be subjected to such terms like "Pecker Checker" and "Dicksmith"? It's fucking hilarious, but come on. Any word on when the war's supposed to...
  19. G

    joining the military

    Yeah, I'm actually hoping my reserve duty will help me get a similarly qualified civilian job, thereby improving my resume and chances of being accepted by a grad program. I'm just not sure if I really want to commit to the next 6-8 years of my life in the reserves. I'll be over 30 when it's...
  20. G

    joining the military

    Hell yeah, man. That sounds awesome. Sounds like you did active duty though. How many years did you end up serving total?