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  1. hempman420

    A Newb and His First

    That 2nd one is gonna be a weird little girl..(hopefully) haha I have 9 going right now and one is kind simular to #2 #1 is looking great for 11 days!.. good luck
  2. hempman420

    My First Grow

    Actually It is onlu 16 days old today.. I must have done the math wrong or something last time.. I still think its growin a little slow the first sext of jagged leaves have a yellowish tent to them.. posibally from overwatering so I gona chill out that.. and the first round seedling leave became...
  3. hempman420

    My First Grow

    I just transferred my grow from Indoor Growing.. haha my bad Here is the link so yall can see the grow progress till' now...
  4. hempman420

    A Newb and His First

    Hola Scepter.. Your grow is comming along pretty nice your grow is almost exactly at the same time point as mine is now so i'll be kepping up to see how your grow comes along.. Good Luck man
  5. hempman420

    First Grow

    I'm Just getting them started inside.. I plan on taking them outside when I know the weather is gonna be good.. I wasnt sure if the lights I got would be enough.. I have a 42 watt CFL and two 23 watt CFL's.. I started them in peat moss pods and then after they sprouted put them in organic...
  6. hempman420

    First Grow

    Does anyone know how I can get my babies to grow bigger and faster.. I REALLY want them to grow nice and big..
  7. hempman420

    First Grow

    I'm just growing schwag.. like I said I'm a poor boy.. I used to have some exotic seeds a while back maybe even a year or two ago but i have no clue where they ended up. The biggest plant allready has a skunky smell to it is that normal?
  8. hempman420

    First Grow

    Yea I definitly dont want to do that.. I wasnt sure though.. I'll start making sure that the soil is dry before water again.. Thanks man
  9. hempman420

    First Grow

    Here are some close-ups of the 2 bigger plants.. They are 16 days old.. they were origonally in different soil then the others(basicaly mud) and were closer to the light.. The first 3 pics are by far the biggest plant and the other two is the 2nd biggest..but actually I feel like the growth of...
  10. hempman420

    First Grow

    Hola.. this is my first grow, and my plants are approx. 2 weeks old now. I have 9 plants total.. 7 of them are 2 weeks old and the 2 bigger ones are 16 days old. I decided to post my grow journal because I need some suggestions from the best.. I'm a poor boy so I can afford a great setup. Right...