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  1. kushmaster2821

    heat problems and electreic bill problems solved!!!!

    I would put my 400 in there if i thought it would help but with my bills so high i doubt i will cause it has blown my mind how good its doing now. I know the cfls your talking about are blue spectrem but they also have red spectrem whitch i swoped to when i started to flower.
  2. kushmaster2821

    heat problems and electreic bill problems solved!!!!

    I have found that flouracents are the way to go! A normal 100 watt bulb pulls 100 watts and puts out 1800 lumens. Well a flouracent 100 watt puts out 1800 lumens and only pulls 26 watts. Using a 2x2 closet you would usually use a 400 watt hps. Well I tested the lights myself and put 4 100 watt...
  3. kushmaster2821

    Bah, Maybe Mold?

    cut it off and try to move to a drier location with more wind if possible