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  1. ragged crushing

    I watered my oldest baby yesterday, soil today was dry so I watered, but it's droopy

    Pot/bag is wayyyy to big for the plant and if you havent much experience you can easily overwater it which will take forever for the medium to dry. Till the top soil, help it breath and see whats going on a few inches below. Top may be dry but under can be sopping wet. Get a feel of you pots...
  2. ragged crushing

    Six week strains

    Everything goes 6 weeks, then it keeps going if you let it!
  3. ragged crushing

    Newbie with a Problem( i think ) 3 Weeks and Hardly Any Roots Showing through My Smal

    yup put it in soil, it will help the roots breath better by trasfering excess water from the cubes and protect them as they emerge.
  4. ragged crushing

    Smoking Alone

    i like to smoke alone when i can. its just that i like to smoke at my own pace and usually im like a rasta with it, holding an un-lit blunt lighting it up as i feel.
  5. ragged crushing

    I'm About to Give Up on Cloning

    When all else fails put them in a cup of plain tap water and change every 2-3 days like mother used to do. Can't go wrong with this simple method.
  6. ragged crushing

    breeding box idea. what ya think?

    i was thinking on how could i have a male and flower him with only enough space to keep a 1 mom and 1 only have one flowering room w/ limited space. so i was thinking that mabey i could hook up a mid size tote(18-30gal) with 150w of cfl's and a comp fan and just keep it stored somewhere out...
  7. ragged crushing

    harvest time for my friend

    the dudes a humble stoner and ur a predator, he's official and old school for trusting u but if ur life was on the line i bet he'll happily give it all away. think about that!
  8. ragged crushing

    can i mix topping with lst?

    yeah why not, first top em any where from the 5th to the 8th node depending on the stretch. then you can lst the two tops once they get a node or two or long enough to be lst'd.
  9. ragged crushing

    girlfriend trouble

    its human nature! b4 man the only rules were the rules of nature, survival of the fittest or in this case the biggest and best(pipe game). so rules are inducted to let the weak thrive(mental/physical) and in turn reproduce; each one teach one, thats fucked up, the spread of stupidity begins at a...
  10. ragged crushing

    i may purp if....(bagseed mainly yet all)

    first up i point out bagseed because one is not sure what they are working with as far as genetics and liniage, only the sack it came out of. yet even with good genetics one will experience different phenos. the better the breeding/breeder the more consistant the phenos which means more...
  11. ragged crushing

    People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.

    my IQ is 120 and i say religion is the new racism so fu@k jesus, fu@k allah yet recognize the dhali llama for being the outer realm representative. everything we ever searched for was within...
  12. ragged crushing

    $1200 To Spend 2nd Time Grower

    lights and fans, lights and fans, fans and lights. i say get 2 600w or 400w hps hooded/tubed linked w/ a booster and primarys for a once a month perpetual fully matured grow. remember, 10,000 lumens per square feet is what u want to mimic the sun.
  13. ragged crushing


    dude if someones offering to buy ur plant say hells no, but u can by it by the gram/quarter/half /oz. im assuming someone is tryin to eff you good. dry it and weigh it, and accept what u have youve earned it, no more no less. also if u try to get over you will be gotten over on, karma's a...
  14. ragged crushing

    Greenhouse variety pack

    dont scrape it off, i believe that coating helps with germination or helps lead to feminization of the seeds. i dont think thell go through the trouble of coating then seperating if its for the same purpose. also why would they want to add somthing thats may hinder anything? feel me.
  15. ragged crushing

    SOG question

    how do you know their fem? also nothing influences preflowering but the plant genetics unless u put them to flower or they're auto-type. anyways, clone em' and sog them. top them once @ the end of week one and you should be good. they will deffinently double in size atleast. remove growth...
  16. ragged crushing

    height if flowered early

    no lst if hes gonna go straight to 12/12 cause the bud sites wont stick out far enough, just top once at the begining of week 2 and youll be good. but like man said get 2 more lights but get 2 47 watts @ like $8.50 a piece. use 4 y-splitters and use 3 bulbs one each socket. i flowered for...
  17. ragged crushing

    Sour Diesel?

    heres the link 2 the site
  18. ragged crushing

    SOG question

    once the root pertrudes an inch or so root growth takes off. in the first to the second week of 12/12 ur plant hormones are still vegging yet transitioning and also roots tend to grow more during the dark period so ur gonna get growth on both ends. also the flowering period doesent start when u...
  19. ragged crushing

    4 inch Tube Aero with Chiller

    i see u learned alot since the aero space shuttle. im a transitioning newb and ive been following ur work for about a year now but just cant post from my sk. id just like to congradulate you on ur work bro and finally have the opportunity to +rep ya. ROCK ON!
  20. ragged crushing

    height if flowered early

    flower @ 4" and youll end up with a 8-12 plant @ end of flower depending on light wattage and its distance, yet dont forget its phenos slightly differ from sibling to sibling so u may get lucky.