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  1. HackA

    My Second Grow (Lots of Help needed)

    Before you hate on my job 32Euro an hour I'm a robotic engineer And my boss Hotter then a model (she has the body of that porn star on the gta 5 cover) I Love what i do on most days But Hate how exact shit has to be. The reason I grow Is to fill those pots with pot And make A Shit Tone of Weed...
  2. HackA

    My Second Grow (Lots of Help needed)

    I will work on it and get back to yall as soon as possible which will probably be on my day off. The reason i don't do much for the plants is because when i get home its dark as hell and i don't have to water them much because It rain Every night And most days. Belgium bros Its rains Oceans in...
  3. HackA

    My Second Grow (Lots of Help needed)

    I do need a dealer :(
  4. HackA

    My Second Grow (Lots of Help needed)

    So mainly i have to feed them and spray them with alcohol for the spider mites right? One of the plants had powdery mildew looking stuff in on the leafs (cant rub it off tho)and would like some heads on that.In not lazy i just don't have time (i wake up at 4 am 2 hour ride to work start at 6 and...
  5. HackA

    My Second Grow (Lots of Help needed)

    Ya sobongsmilie ..(dong hit noise)..I am fairly far in this this grow and would need help:confused:/ advice:bigjoint: on what my plants have and how to cure them. My plants grow them self in the sense that I have a 15hr day job:hump: and little time for my green queens:leaf:. I WILL heal:weed...
  6. HackA

    When should i plant out door plants?

    would it be ok if its only 6-4°c?
  7. HackA

    When should i plant out door plants?

    what is a better way to name a strain than being higher then a motherfucker on it. Me and my bro named it tripping mighty balls so I have no regrets. Just you wait man Nigga flower will be in coffee shops soon.
  8. HackA

    When should i plant out door plants?

    I live in Belgium.... the weather is unpredictable(last two years it snowed and this year shit barely froze) my questions have been answered for now and i thank thee for the soraka worth support. :p
  9. HackA

    When should i plant out door plants?

    This sounds genus. Thx
  10. HackA

    When should i plant out door plants?

    This is pretty strait forward. I would just like to know what the requirements are to plant seeds outside. Info like temperature, light hours(should they be planted during the longer days or the end of the short days(please try and comprehend what I'm typing ,I was never an A eng student))And...
  11. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    Ok i live in a peaceful neighborhood were only old white people live. I am probably paranoid for no reason but its part of me to do everything as carefully as possible, thinking of all the possibility and possible outcomes.I am paranoid as fuck.And the porch thing is a bad idea her because old...
  12. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    Man this is the kind of info you don't usually find on internet i truly thank you and anyone that tries to help . cheers and god weed bongsmilie
  13. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    Thank you for the GO BOX KIT thing but you see...Im paranoid as fuck about buying stuff on internet because I like to keep off anything that can arouse suspicion. But if one day i have a sucure place i will look into buy it thank you and cheers.bongsmilie
  14. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    Thank you for the night i when the plant stretches info, i had no idea. no sarcasm.thx
  15. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    Just tested my tape water and its neutral. It comes from a source (what they call it in french)There are no added chemicals. Since everyone is telling me i will change the light 18/6.I just found some plant food sticks as the only thing i have can i feed this to them for now? thx
  16. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    This is my second grow. I started early this time so i could top them and smell a stoner like that :leaf:
  17. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    The terrarium is temporary it was mainly to keep one plant inside and aromatize my room i will get more bulbs and instal two fans thx for the idea bongsmiliecheers
  18. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    Took care of it. Had little red spiders, sprayed vodka water on them bitches,they dead now.
  19. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    Thankyou for the advice but on the 14/10 the plants grow a little slower and i need them take longer then usual i dont think this hurts them but if it does plz tell me.
  20. HackA

    Help and advice needed plz

    ph 7 once a week it dosent say the pats are kind of small not sure it was bagged soil i feed it after i place them outside so i will start feeding them in two three weeks its mineral water i don't like auto flowering plants the strains are AK47 Niggaflower and an unknown strain.