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  1. B

    Nute problem?

    Yes pic coming soon. And I was thinking the same thing about Obama being involved.
  2. B

    Nute problem?

    I am using 1/4 str foxfarm big grow, Cal mag, super thrive, general hydro silica. And great white for beneficial bacteria. They are one one feeding a week with 2 waterings in-between nzutes cycle.
  3. B

    Nute problem?

    How long are the nutes in the soil supposed to last l. I am using advanced sunshine number 4.
  4. B

    Nute problem?

    Okay thank you for all your replies
  5. B

    Nute problem?

    My my 140 views and one response or question even. You would guess this is the black plague or something with all these views and no response s.
  6. B

    Nute problem?

    I use the advanced sunshine number 4. I transplanted them into 1gallon pots a little over 2 weeks ago and they just received there first 1/4 nute feeding.
  7. B

    Nute problem?

    I'm not really sure why the leaf tips are curling and turning brown. I just started them on a 1/4 nutrient watering once a week with ph waterings in between so shouldn't be a burn. Using 2 8 bulb t5 fixtures 2 feet from the top so shouldn't be heat stress.i wait until pot is dry and very light...