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  1. kieran142

    Coco to rockwool transplant

    Hi guys got 4 Critical Kush and 1 Diesel Berry auto in early veg. The aim was to have the critical kush all in the 4 pot Wilma with rockwool and the auto in the coco, but I managed to get them mixed up. Would it be much of an issue if I cut the rootmass from the coco and just plonked straight...
  2. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    Harvested the diesel berry today and I am very pleased with the result. Hanging in my grow room in a corner and just had enough space! Here are some pics...
  3. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    Hi guys, decided not to flush after reading and see how I get on because it doesn't seem to make a difference in many peoples opinions. Down to 1/4 strength nutes now, 80% brown pistils and 90% cloudy trichs on the diesel berry, have been tapering nutes down and gave one watering of PhD water...
  4. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Cheers dude will make sure I do. Got a little area to hang them all and plenty of jars/containers for the cure. Ran plain phd water through her tonight so will cut within the next couple of days. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  5. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Hi guys few days on now, decided not to flush after reading and see how I get on because can't wait any longer! Down to 1/4 strength nutes now, 80% brown pistils and 90% cloudy trichs. Cheers! Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  6. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    Hi guys, been busy getting equipment etc for next grow and decided to go for another tent the same size for a veg and mother area. Going to be using a 4 Pot 18L Wilma system and rockwool. The ladies are both still doing fine, just waiting for the diesel berry to ripen up a little more, and the...
  7. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Hi Danny cheers for the input. My other plant has been topped and trained a lot more than this one. Did a little reading on the autos and got an impression that they shouldnt really be trained or pruned in any way to avoid stress in it's short life cycle. Have done a little pruning of the...
  8. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Cheers guys, much appreciated. Gives me peace of mind! Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  9. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Well I definitely did have an over nute problem but have reduced accordingly. Can still see the crispy tips in these photos. Glad theres not that much of an importance in a decent flush now, some people seem to think its the be all or end all of good weed. Got some better ones with the lights...
  10. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Lights are just about to go out so will get some quick with the flash. Hopefully youll be able to see whats going on a little better. What medium are you growing in and what nutes are you using? Do you taper down the strength near the end or anything? Or just cut at full strength? Also did...
  11. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Pic 1 is of the lower budsites, they probably account for 20% of the total bud. Just alot of people say 2 week flush, others say a week max. Just cant seem to fathom whether you cut nutes before the plant is finished so it uses its stores, or you cut nutes after the plant has fully matured and...
  12. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Cheers dude, will probably think about giving a good flush of ph'd water within the next couple of days and just go for a 3 day flush as i'm struggling to wait any longer, looks and smells delicious! First grow aswell so didnt want to get too eager.
  13. kieran142

    Is she ready for flushing yet?

    Hi Guys, Growing a diesel berry auto in coco, 40-50% of the pistils are now amber and receded. Some of the side branches have probably 70% amber pistils. All Trichs on the side branches are now cloudy and the buds look done and have stopped growing. The main cola still has alot of white pistils...
  14. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    So I removed the rootbound plant from the tent as it was definitely beyond repair, but am now smoking the dried unfinished flowers and they're not too bad at all. The good diesel berry I thought was coming to the end has now had another growth spurt so still feeding nutes with pk booster. The...
  15. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    Hi guys, All looking good still some small signs of nute burn on all plants so reduced to half strength for last few days and stopped the pk booster. Skunk 47 has now finished the stretch and has a fair few tops with flowers forming, removed most lower flowers but left the fans leaves down...
  16. kieran142

    Iron Defficiency or Lockout? HELP APPRECIATED!

    Rootbounded must be the problem considering the other plants aren't showing any signs of defficiency. Is it too late now to be transplanting? In 11L square pots atm will use 20s next time.
  17. kieran142

    Iron Defficiency or Lockout? HELP APPRECIATED!

    Hi guys, one of my autos is showing signs of defficiencies and seems to me from reading that it could be an iron defficiency. The leaves around the new growth and flowering sites are turning yellow, cannot understand why this ones getting a deffiecieny or getting locked out. The others are...
  18. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    Hi guys, my main autos looking sweet, skunk 47 taking tot the flowering nutes fine by the looks of it but the runt auto I have got it showing signs of defficiencies and seems to me from reading that it could be an iron defficiency. The leaves around the new growth and flowering sites are...
  19. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    Good to hear mate, let me know how much you get dry. Ive got some critical kush barney seeds, might scrog 4 of them after this seems like the best way to manage the plants and possibly get a mother to take clones from. Sent from my HTC One using Rollitup mobile app
  20. kieran142

    Diesel Berry, Cole Train & Skunk 47... 2nd Grow

    Thats real strange mate, Take it the buds still smokeable?