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  1. C

    how long to leave seeds in the fridge?

    since im the only one to answer its about 1-2 years anything longer will have less a chance to germ... your welcome gl plus rep me
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    Lighting for clones?

    i have the same dome, and i use a 2ft 4 bulb t5 fixture
  3. C

    Anyone ever tried this???......

    well it depends on what type of system you are running hydro or dirt. with the soil you can just use water and it will grow but you wont get the ever so juicy buds and hardly any resin. on hydro if you use just water you will get a plant that will only grow with what nutes are in the water so...
  4. C

    Can you veg on a light cycle of 22/2?

    yeah, you can veg with anything with 18/6 or more all the way to 24/0 so have fun with that. i have my seedlings under 24/0 right now
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    400w MH used throughout a grow?

    how sick would it be if you grew hydro and used the tub for a resevoir, covering it with a pieace of plywood. and had a reverse osmosis hooked to the water...
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    Plenty of Pics So Help Me With This One! 7 week Flowering

    there is a huge argument about it, and i personally have had a bad experience with is and am very precautions
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    Plenty of Pics So Help Me With This One! 7 week Flowering

    please take down that aluminum foil, and put up a space/rescue blanket. foil=badbongsmilie
  8. C

    What cfm for 3'x2'. 400w HPS.+ rep

    i agree about know the circumstances, but i would say, that unless there perfect i would not stuff a 400w hps in there it is going to give off heat, so unless you have like 6" inline fan made to take heat off of it i would try. you will probable end up burning your plants. look into t5 lighting...
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    Free Gram in Downtown LA

    i dont live in cali but even if i did, that sounds sketchy as hell.. stranger danger
  10. C

    Switch from CFL to HPS and or MH

    so what im going to ask now is am i going to see a difference between a hps and a mh?
  11. C

    Switch from CFL to HPS and or MH

    i am currently growing in a DIY DWC its small its a 3 gal i'm thinking about bumping it up to a 5 gal. Anyways i am using 4-6 26w 6500k bulbs, i have 4 happy little plants and i was wanting to know what bennifits i would recieve from switching to lower wattage MH and or HPS? like 100w-250w...
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    Help me design

    Whats the budget? how many plants? and do you want to use the whole room?
  13. C

    HELP me with DETOX!!

    Ok, this is my first time to use detox, and i am nervous, i Havnt smoked in a weed in a half... i know i not supposed to drink alcohol, but i did by mistake it, was one drink, and i didnt finish it all the way.. and i am just worring, can anybody calm me down, i am a heavy guy about 220 i have...
  14. C

    Help with Exhast and intake!!

    well i was having heat issues, the thermo's high has been 94* with about 45% hum. so i just want to make it cool. the front side is a door, i will post pics later today. but yeah should i stick a chunk of foam in there or rig a filter :-P also i was thinking about using one of those yeast...
  15. C

    Help with Exhast and intake!!

    i am lining the wall with mylar if that changes anything, and yes i will make a diy carbon filter
  16. C

    Help with Exhast and intake!!

    Hi guys, I've been trolling the RIU for a while and i started my first grow last week, not knowing what im doing that much but i suppose that i cant eff it up that much. besides that i will post a grow journal or something about the plants later i just want to get the room done. i am using a...