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  1. M

    Careers that can be used for growing marijuana

    Im thinking really broad here. Just anything that would give you knowledge on growing. A descent paying profession would be nice. Something like plant engineering or something. Something scientific, lol that requires atleast 4 years of college.
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    Diphendydramine - Benedryl

    it doesnt have any acetominiphen but if i had anything else id take that. just looking for a little advice
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    Diphendydramine - Benedryl

    dude its still fucks u up so w/e is cool for me
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    Diphendydramine - Benedryl

    im out man, im gettin an 8th of purple kush thursday, and btw it is VERY hard to type, i weigh about 140 if that helps anyone that would know.
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    Diphendydramine - Benedryl

    Well i took 275 mg and im pretty fucked up right now but 250mg is supposed to make you hallucinate and im not sure if I didnt take enough or what. But it has been over an hour so far.
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    I get a stuffy nose when im high

    Ahh im glad to see im not the only one that experiences nose issues like me, strangly my eyes are never bloodshot at all. Also, and im just starting to smoke heavily, but the higher i get the more i twitch and ooooooooh yeaaa i twitch, the more i twitch and my eyes move arround and stuff and im...
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    I get a stuffy nose when im high

    Havnt been snokin that long so idk if its a newbie think but every time that ive smoked i get a stuffy nose!! and i dk why
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    Does turning off your light for 72 hours do anything

    trichomes probably they little mushroom lookin things that contain the THC
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    Growing in Georgia

    ive read that compact florescents can work, i would prefer that so i can reduce my need for fans( aka noise) and also the low energy comsumption. My dad already bitches about the electricity bill, dont need him fishing arround my room for the cause.
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    Growing in Georgia

    yea i think they are planning to only do about 4 plants just to start cuz this is their first time, my ideas have all to do with growing inside. Ill make sure to tell them that they need to do this now or wait until it warms up after winter(although winter here is short and not that cold). I...
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    Growing in Georgia

    im not the one growing it, personally i think they are retarded and it wont work at all, they already spend $110 on purp and white widow seeds, they have 40 total. They said they are growing it behind some pool back in the forest. I mostly want to help them try to grow because if they are...
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    Growing in Georgia

    Some friends of mine are interested in growing outside in georgia, we live a bit north of atlanta. Can any of you tell me what problems we may run into trying to grow? and if there are any solutions?