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  1. D

    General Cloning ?'s

    I heard alot of differnt things, but what do you think?
  2. D

    Christmas bud 2013

    What strains?
  3. D

    caught ripper red handed

    I guess you got your buds back but that still sucks.
  4. D

    Drug Test please help!!!

    70 views and nobody knows anything??
  5. D

    What to tell my dealer?

    Sounds like he's got a good little thing going,
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    I'm in a big dilemma. What should I do?

    Or sell something else??
  7. D

    Black on White Crime.... "The Knockout Game"

    when you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.
  8. D

    Teleportation DOES exist

    Can I use one of these 3d printers to print me out a japanese sex slave?
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    Top Drawer

    What's in yours?