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  1. G

    Just Finished What U Think?

    you should put them in a sneaker box so they could dry better
  2. G

    Power Haze amazing amsterdam strain

    hey dude up north we smoked some super sliver haze and my friend passed out when i went to go pass him the blunt lmao
  3. G

    Crap MJ on the streets

    wow that was some ugly looking dirtweed Da streets of nyc have kept me good :-D even as i wirte this right now *******(\_/)*********stay high********(\_/)*************
  4. G

    Aerogarden Help!!!!!!!

    So I been growing on the Aerogarden for about 7 weeks. And I have a few questions What is the time length before it starts budding? I am currently doing 12/12 hour lighting is that okay? If not what is. It seem that my plant is growing like crazy but that is all is this okay? Can you tell...