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    Cal/Mag Def? (Coco grow with Pics)

    Here she is, third day of being put outside in 11 hour sunlight. The scarring on the bottom leaves has stopped from what i can tell. Will be supplementing mag/cal from tomorrow. What do you guys think, she look ok?
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    Cal/Mag Def? (Coco grow with Pics)

    I don't know DT. The Ph recommendations that i've come across everywhere for a coco grow is somewhere between the 5.8-6.2 range for veg. This looks to be more of a cal/mag problem. I haven't been supplementing either of the two at all. Getting my hands on some very soon. Would love to see the...
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    Cal/Mag Def? (Coco grow with Pics)

    Here's another one… I just put this outside for flower. Notice the green at the top getting brighter. Still Cal/Mag def. or is something else out of whack?
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    Cal/Mag Def? (Coco grow with Pics)

    Peat moss was smooth sailing at first but a nightmare after the first 2 weeks. The plants looked more worse for wear than they do now. Started with moss because i didn't know diddly about growing. Switched to coco after recommendations from folks here and it really helped. Getting some xyz...
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    Cal/Mag Def? (Coco grow with Pics)

    What the title says. Ph 5.8 (For the 1st month it was 7.2, didn't have a meter) Ppm 500-550 (from the start) Runoff ph: 5.2 Nutes: Vitax 20-20-20. Organic kelp: 3ml (total for 3 plastic cup sized plants) Medium: Coco (With an intact original sphagnum root mass from a plastic cup)...