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  1. Diehardfan420

    Christmas all over again

    never made hash i will try it out when i get one of these tiny plant to get going again and clone it but right now that all i got so im gonna just trim it all and smoke them kinda broke
  2. Diehardfan420

    Christmas all over again

    hahaha i know my future already im gonna get stonedd !! and there is alot of leaf that small patch in the corner is what ive trimmed so far tomorow ill finish it up
  3. Diehardfan420

    Christmas all over again

    so it starts off like any other day wake up take a shower and then off to do my deliveries well while i was walking along i saw this black garbage bag on the side of the road its a neat comunity and i thought it was strange i saw these plant stalks poking threw the side and i recognized what...
  4. Diehardfan420

    Guerilla growing tricks and tools of the trade

    yeah i was thinking maybe just like a bunch of 5 plant plots place around so its not all bunched up and not so visable
  5. Diehardfan420

    Guerilla growing tricks and tools of the trade

    the winters here are very mild compaired to what im use to in manitoba i live in british columbia now so im gonna start scouting out sites in the next couple of weeks thanks doublejj ill be woking my ass off this winter
  6. Diehardfan420

    Guerilla growing tricks and tools of the trade

    i have been using Google maps to find some areas id like to check out there all accessed by logging trails and go up into the mountains and all have water sorces so im gonna do a whole lot of winter hiking thanks for the tips there was a tip i heard about where you put a dollar coin in a bag...
  7. Diehardfan420

    Guerilla growing tricks and tools of the trade

    Hello every one i have been sitting back and reading on rollitup for a good year now and i think im starting to get ready to do my own grow i know that there is only about a month left in the growing sesion im planing for next yeah i would like to know some stuff first always good to ask...
  8. Diehardfan420

    Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?

    yeah well this to me is just more of a challenge im moving to British Columbia in 2 weeks from Manitoba and planing on doing an outdoor grow next year gonna have to find a really good spot now.
  9. Diehardfan420

    Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?

    yeah we are just gonna have to fight for this bill to be taken out of affect im not even Canadian ive lived here most my life and i cant believe we would follow the Americans and the fact there is no evidence of this ever working. when theirs demand there will always be some one to step in and suply
  10. Diehardfan420

    Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?

    yeah they passed it yesterday fucking retarded only reason Harper got into parliament was because people were sick of the liberals and wanted change and now hes acting like the liberals. i don't see him being in office for more then a year now