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    fuck shitty roommates
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    freddiemoney's Canadian Outdoor '09

    Great plants man.
  3. R

    the PS3 has taken over....sorry xbox lovers

    its just what one's used to, i have them both and i don't mind the box controller but i would love it if i could just use my ps3 controller on my box. PS3 pwns the SHIT out of the box nuff said...
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    Central Ontario Grow (pics)

    Wow nice plants Chromer, the first hard frost last year was on the 18th, had a few nights where it was down to -.5 to -1 C..Nothing they could not handle tho. +rep Chromer : )
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    Flowering Nutes Question.

    I'm really not sure how much smaller they would be man, is it true if you kept feeding your plant through out flowering that it would take longer to mature?
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    To All BC Geruilaa Growers

    Thanks for the heads up man.
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    How go your days in Azeroth/Outland/Northrend?

    Man back in the days of old Naxx lvl took the best guilds in the world over 4 months to clear it...only 264 guild cleared all of naxx before TBC thats 7 months of hardcore raiding...The only reason WoW has exploded in the number of ppl is cuz they have made it into such a game where...
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    How go your days in Azeroth/Outland/Northrend?

    WoW died when TBC came out.
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    SW Ontario Growing (pics)

    hey man hows it coming along...i bet the bang is huge by now(well for SW ON anyways)
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    Heppy Fathersday!

    Right back at you dude, congratz
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    SW Ontario Growing (pics)

    Nice start man.I live in SW ont to : ), how the hell are they so big already man we just got a frost here not even a week ago...good luck man ..looking great
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    Outdoor in South Africa

    hey man.. your in the southern hemsphire your plants will not be able to veg because they need 14+ of sunlight a day man.. all they will do is pretty much grow to a foot and start to could look at getting some autos if u wanted then your dont have to worry about the hrs of light so...
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    Indoors then outdoors

    hey man i think your prob is the nute burn...plants that small have a hard time dealing with all those nutes that they put in that mg soil..whenever you buy soil man just look for plain old potting soil to start anyways no addtives or nutes
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    Whats a good manure?

    FYI- There's more white people in South Africa than blacks..just thought i let you know
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    Nirvana Short Rider?

    lol i went ahead and ordered to..we should have a good understanding on the strand..i'm growing my outdoors to.
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    Nirvana Short Rider?

    bump...has any1 grown this?
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    When is it too late to start???

    man u could start from seed at the start of june just depends on your climate man..ive start from seeds in june a harvested in late sept and ive still got a good crop just plant more plants..there only going to be 3 ft when they flower but its still good dope lol.
  18. R

    what is the...

    id wait it out a bit night you will still get a bit of frost
  19. R

    who else does this

    lol same here...i hate seeing the tippers on the big nuggs but i love smoking them lol.