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  1. H

    Leaves curling down??

    I see it is in regards to this "Once you see an improvement suggest foliar feeding as well can be useful especially in cold weather when root activity is slowed down. Potassium nitrate should be fine as a water soluble fertilizer." But this was only after the plant had regained its momentum a...
  2. H

    Leaves curling down??

    Say what you please, I just wanted him to water his plants more. As for the Potassium, I never said Potassium Nitrate, just merely referring to Wood Ashes and nothing about foliar feeding. Peace
  3. H

    Help solving a yellowing/curling problem

    Foliar Spraying of nitrate 1.5g per litre set to very fine mist. That is one solution
  4. H

    Help solving a yellowing/curling problem

    Nitrogen Deficiency looks like the culprit. The recovery of deficient plants to applied nitrogen is very quick and you will defiantly see the difference in a matter of days Thanks
  5. H

    Difficiency Problem With Pics

    I want to help you out the best I can. The pictures are great by the way, wouldn't mind pictures of the underside of the leaf as well. A few questions to narrow this down, but I am already leaning towards a nutrient deficiency not nute burn. First off, I need to know; Is this happening only...
  6. H

    deficiency? help me out RIU

    Thanks Ninja much appreciated. I don't actually grow on my own, I assist a couple of grow sites with basic/advance plant problems. Although it seems much more difficult to rectify and see problems without 'actually' being there feeling and having closer inspections, but I will try my best with...
  7. H

    Is something wrong with my plants?

    Spraying with wettable sulphur at the rate of 15g to 10 litres, or use dinocap and benomyl at 5g to 10 litres, Just don't apply it during hot weather or while you are under the lights. That should do it :D
  8. H

    Cheese!!! Need help i dont want to loose this strain!

    Phelps has a point and a picture would be a lot of extra help, but plants can easily take up more potassium than they require. Although, if too much is used it may result in magnesium deficiency due to the competition amongst these nutrients. But you can give it a try and top up on K and Mg :)
  9. H

    Leaves curling down??

    Sorry RedEye, I was just advising that the wilting is due to insufficient watering, the use of potassium is to retain the water in the roots for a period of time, the frost issue was just an added benefit under normal outdoor conditions Thanks
  10. H

    Leaves curling down??

    There should quite easily be just potassium fertilizer, something like 'Super Potassium' or what ever your local sells. No didn't study Biology, more into the side of ethnobotanical research.
  11. H

    manganese deficiency?

    Looks like a manganese deficiency, although have a look at even the smallest veins, are they still green in colour, giving a netted appearance? As you defiantly have chlorosis in areas of the leaf :)
  12. H

    deficiency? help me out RIU

    From looking at the pictures, my only explanation if a potassium deficiency. The stunting of the whole plant the marginal browning of leaves and the bronzing of the leaf blades from your pictures with the tip curling downwards are all signs of a potassium deficient plant. Suggest using...
  13. H

    Magnesium Def? Maybe? Pictures

    100% Magnesium deficiency, its not manganese, as just like an iron deficiency you would see chlorosis of interveinal areas of the lead, but even the smallest veins persist in their green colour. Due to the older leaves being afftected first it seems and actually dead areas appearing with dead...
  14. H

    Cheese!!! Need help i dont want to loose this strain!

    Those are perfect signs of Potassium deficiency in a plant. Get them loaded up ASAP. Your acid levels are also high. Applying lime to soil is to make it less acid. It also provides plants with calcium, an important plant food :)
  15. H

    Is something wrong with my plants?

    Get that plant out of there and into to quarantine, it needs to be excluded. Second step is eradication of the fungi you have newly developing on the stem. You will need to use some sort of fungicide. Dithiocabamates are a very widely used and useful group of fungicides which are effective...
  16. H

    Leaves curling down??

    It seems you have some slight wilting of the aerial parts of the plant. Most of the time this is caused by a deficiency of water, "moisture stress' which may have led to the accumulation of toxic ions. This could have been easily caused by the cold temperatures you are experiencing, the...