With that theory everything should smell different now. Why does a big mac still smell like a big mac? Why does a dead skunk still smell like a dead skunk? But you're saying somehow my pallet has changed in regards to cannabis???
Businesses use post everyday, shows how smart you are. If you ever had a real job you would know this information. I have lots of friends and family that work for CP, I take offense to you saying they need to get of their asses and get real jobs. You are a low life who trolls weed sites daily...
A lot of talking and chasing tails in here. Bottom line, get your shit together if you want in the micro game. All the other BS will work itself out in the near future.
Not bad at all. It is super fair for Micros. LPs have higher overall overhead, plus higher fees, seems good to me. Like Bigmanc said paytoplay. Im down. Heck hopefully this will allow HC to hire more people and push the apps through.