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  1. mcgeehe

    I'm Smoking...

    I'm jelly of all of you! I'm in a dry spell. I've never tried tea, is it just like edibles?
  2. mcgeehe

    Water and nutrition

    Awesome, thanks guys that helped a lot. :blsmoke:
  3. mcgeehe

    Is this the golden age of marijuana investment?

    Yes sir, I do believe the golden age of marijuana is just beyond the horizon. With both Washington (where I live) and Colorado legalizing, more states should follow and it will become a full blown industry. Beyond that, this should help narrow the gap between smokers and non-smokers alike. With...
  4. mcgeehe

    Water and nutrition

    So when your water level gets low enough you just change the water completely then? I'm just asking because I seem to find two different methods when I search around. One is to keep the reservoir topped off and only change the water when switching from veg nutes to flower nutes. Others say to to...
  5. mcgeehe

    Water and nutrition

    Hey guys, I'm a long time lurker on these forums and this is my first post. YAY! So here's my dilemma, its pretty similar to the OP. I'm looking into switching from soil to dwc. Like the OP I've been reading up on it a lot! Where I get lost is, if I use say a 10 gallon reservoir with a couple...