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  1. Unknowuser420


    Yeah, i know what your saying. I have no idea what he was thinking.
  2. Unknowuser420


    So this guy was trying to argue with me tonight that regular weed does not have less trichs. He says that all weed has a large amount trichs when flowering. He also says the reason regi losses its trichs is because its handled alot, same with kind bud that is mediocre. My argument is that regi...
  3. Unknowuser420

    Please HELP!

    I checked my 2700k bulbs wattage and i got them mixed up. 3 26 watt 2700k 1 23 watt 6500k So if I get more 6500k CFL's should I go back to 18/6?
  4. Unknowuser420

    Please HELP!

    The only reason I have that type of spectrum of lights and light cycle is because im trying to keep this grow on the small side, ive seen grows that are started 12/12 from seed so i thought 5 days 18/6 would give it a little jump start. Soon after I figure out if this is male or female I will I...
  5. Unknowuser420

    Please HELP!

    Ok, the last couple of grows I have been trying to grow 12/12 from seed and this same problem happens around this time. Ive tried using a different grow room, more lights, different soil.... But every time the bottom leaves begin to yellow and the only leaves that stay green are the very top and...
  6. Unknowuser420

    Simple CFL Grow

    Here are a couple of pics of a single plant of mine. Right now I only have one because ive messed up alot in the past, i just want 1 grow under my belt even if its just a 1 small plant! So heres some specs. Shes 12 days old Started from seed 5 days of veg(I know very short, like i said...
  7. Unknowuser420

    First outdoor grow.Opinions?

    Oh and by the way these plants are not mine they are Ganjakingx420's plants. I just posted for him until he decided to make a profile of his own.
  8. Unknowuser420

    First outdoor grow.Opinions?

    The bigger one(hopefully girl :hump:)was born on June 19th, the other on the 20th. Sooooooooo thoughts, ideas, opinions?
  9. Unknowuser420

    Leaf curlin

    I will transplant soon, but the clone is not yet sexed and if male my buddies entire grow will be over. He has 1 big mother or father!
  10. Unknowuser420

    Leaf curlin

    1 or 2 of my leaves are curling on a clone I just got recently. I don't know if its from the nutes that the original grower was giving it. But how is it doing, does anyone think im doing anything wrong.
  11. Unknowuser420


    I don't know temp.( i soon will!) 3 CFL 23, 30, 26 The light are around 1 and half inches away from the plant. I water about 2-3 times a week. P.S. Pics soon!
  12. Unknowuser420


    I was wondering if bud plants are suppose to droop at night? My plant droops at night noticeably, but as soon as the light is on its up and ready to go.
  13. Unknowuser420

    Light Spectrums

    So I have 2 CFL red looking spectrum lights, I know one of them is 3000k. Then i have two other CFL's that are 5000k. My question is which is better for veg. and which is for flowering?
  14. Unknowuser420


    Even if he saw it some people don't care enough to waste their time(Time=money). Also he could smoke himself.
  15. Unknowuser420

    Diffuser Downstem

    So I got this new bong(about 10 inches tall) and water splashes in my mouth every time no matter how much water is in it, I thought a diffuser would do the trick. But I can't find a diffuser that isn't glass on glass. Anyone know where to get one?
  16. Unknowuser420

    Droopy Problem.

    I am using 3 CFLs 2 23W 1 30w
  17. Unknowuser420

    Droopy Problem.

    I watered when the soil was dry about 1 to 2 inches down.
  18. Unknowuser420

    Droopy Problem.

    This is my 4 week old plant. It has been droopy for awhile now. What might the problem be?
  19. Unknowuser420

    Favorite "Gettin High" song?

    My favorite song to listen to when hittin a bowl is Pawn Shop by Sublime.