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    Hawaiian skunk almost done.. around 2-3 weeks to go

    My first grow I read everyone cuts their first too early... I waited 9 weeks, on an 8 week plant, 30% amber.. I should have waited 1 more week. I mean really.. what's a few more days?
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    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    my first grow i vegged for 3 months , b/c i had no idea about first week strech in flower stage. I thought my plants where small... 16 inches b4 i switched to flower, and almost 4 ft 2 weeks later.. after that i was ALL IN
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    hot air disposal

    not really.. it has to be colder out side to even see it, also it will look like a dryer blowing exhaust out of the house. no worries there, plus i'ld expect it to dissipate to fast
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    Do you need to vent?

    If you have heat under control you really don't have to vent.. door opening will give enough, esp for 1st grow. once u get one under your belt you will want the perfect enviro for best results, and in that case you will get a CO2 tank w/ a regulator
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    i had almost same size w/ 400, 2 plants 3.5oz, dried & cured
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    Do you need to vent?

    cfl's. It's all about light, and you want to get them close, you will want so many cfl's it will look like an electric fire is about to start. i have cfl's for early seedlings, they even come in 300W maybe bigger, they are bright as sh*t (to the eye), as far as cfls and heat, only way to know...
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    Do you need to vent?

    You only really "need" to vent if you have HEAT issues, you do however need a fan in there, you NEED a charcoal filter for the smell, and my first grow was w/ a 400 and if you have already purchased.. get more light. If you haven't get a bigger light. It's as simple as more light = more bud...
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    T5 Fixture 4ft. 4,6,8 bulb Pricing?

    i also have 300w CFL at 2700K for flower, i prefer HPS, but... (and yes i know they r rlly 86w 300w equivalent but for 15 bucks at home depot, get 6 of them, and its str8 legit.) that's = 400+ true watts, and 1800w equivalent. your plants will be spoiled in the light category!
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    T5 Fixture 4ft. 4,6,8 bulb Pricing?

    i have t5's HPS and CFL.. IMHO screw t5.. I have had much much better results with HPS (best for flower no arguments), and if for veg, i have 300W cfls that are simply unbeatable in way of heat/size/closeness to plant. so SCREWWWW T5's, just my opinion
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    @#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?

    the question came up, (this is for personal smoke only) but if you were to buy a bag, and it had seeds in it, do u consider this a plus seeing how the seeds cost 110 bucks for 10 of them, or do u see it as cheap weed now b/c it has seeds
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    I got screwed!! Advice needed

    ok, all have signs of seeds now... obv to late, any advice welcome!! what i want out of it is quality bud. I'm not selling, this is personal only so not as upset, but the question did come up.. If you were to buy high quality buds, but has seeds in them, do u pay same price or look at...
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    @#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?

    yes I flushed last week, I have cloudy Trichs on both carmelicious.. for the most part the others don't look like they have seeds, BUT I have a WW that is taking longer in flower. I know it wont be done by end of week 8 (1 week from today) but I'm torn between cutting before they make seeds...
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    @#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?

    i just did open that sac on the 2nd pic and it is a seed... :cry:
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    @#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?

    I think it turned late, I'm tempted to cut now so they don't all make more seeds.. I know i risk losing potency, but this is my first and only grow I can do for now, and would like to get back what i put into it. Should I go ahead and cut the hermys?? or should i go ahead and cut them all??
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    I got screwed!! Advice needed

    I've been going along so good, and on day 49 of flower, I see that some BS bag seed that got tossed in w/ my grow turned out hermie, and has seeds at base of plant.. When will the other plants show that they have seeds. IF they have seeds. I'm wondering if ALL of mine will have seeds now.. 1st...
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    @#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?

    here are pics of some of the buds, and here are pics of lower lvl fuqn hermys making seeds, 1st pic is of seeds, 2nd is of a small carmelicious that looks like it could have a seed in it, and the rest are just bud pics from all the plants, I'm on day 48 flowering... GOSH DAMN IT!!!!!!!!
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    @#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?

    yeah give me two secs
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    @#$%^& How did I miss this? or did I?

    I have plants that just finished 7th week flower, the 2 strains i purchased look good, but I slipped some bag seed in with the grow, I only had to cut one plant b/c she was a he... well now I'm wonderig If I ruined ALL my plants b/c the bag seed plants ARE growing seeds at the base. If they...
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    Advise on my screw up?

    tell them this is boot camp and you expect them to flower huge buds. Don't let them be your master! put them in 12/12 and let them know who's boss.