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  1. S

    Opinions About Death

    i sometimes like to think of my life as time spent in a cocoon. my mind/spirit/energy/consciousness, whatever, is trapped in this body, growing and changing all through my days, "death" will be the exit from my cocoon and i will transform. I dont really expect to consciously know anything...
  2. S

    Opinions About Death

    im gonna go measure myself lol. i accept time as being relative. Based upon this, how then would we "grow old", if we're just on a big ball spinning around in space will time exist outside \our solar system and if i leave the gravitational pull of it, am i outside of "time"? i...
  3. S

    Opinions About Death

    Reading this post "opinions about death" got me thinking. lets imagine that there are no ways to die except old age. what triggers our bodies to grow old and eventually die? is it caused by a lack of brain stimulation and too much redundancy from day to day. Is it due to our nutrition over the...