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  1. T

    Anybody know what this is a sign off?

    I cant figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. T

    PH Meter problems

    Ok here is my problem. Just the other week i used my ph meter and it was working fine. Today i tried to calibrate it and couldn't get it to calibrate. I went out and bought a new electrode and still was having a issue. So i went back to the shop bought a new ph meter and now I'm still having...
  3. T

    How to run CO2 in a tent that has an exhaust fan?

    Anybody ever ran CO2 successfully in a tent with an exhaust system?
  4. T

    Ever smoked anything that made your nose burn?

    Thanks for the response. Never ran into myself except for this time.
  5. T

    Ever smoked anything that made your nose burn?

    Grew some stuff a couple months back and it has been curing for almost two months now. Started trying it out a few days ago and i noticed that when i take a hit my nose burns. I do not exhale through my nose. I also noticed the inside of my nose is starting to peel. No mold on the buds, flushed...