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  1. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Is it possible to use Hash oil to make soap? has anyone done this?
  2. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Yes, its the new "Gold Rush" i think you've got the fever
  3. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Really, that sucks lol never had that much of an issue with this model, but i do know what your talking about the major thing to look for is the size of the tube that the air draws through, the A-pen is weaksauce...
  4. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    I started my own Vap Line too... but then i ran into problems with my chinese connection... what do you guys think? The Bee's name is Aycho,(Eh-Cho) He's Bee Aycho. People liked them, but im thinking of just switching to Selling the Micro G, because they already took care of all the advertising...
  5. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Im gonna draw up a diagram of a potential build for doing indoor runs and see if you guys cant help me find a proper way to achieve the finished product... but first i must release a deuce to the power of gravity...
  6. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Those were all made from random strains, I got the various trim from someone with a mystery garden that was all unkown strains... I've had a few forever goos too, the kind that make me say "ill never do this again" but that problem stopped when I Stopped doin runs with bag shake and trim that...
  7. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    This my friend is where im at in the forums... and im aware, a spliff is like anal sex some people wouldn't dare, some people cant get enough and all Europeans love it... its like a super mini blunt, and i can get just the perfect lvl of dosage and smoke on the job with everyone who's smokes...
  8. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    I didnt expect to come back and everything to be so alive!! Fuck yeah! A moment of silence for VP :( He was like the "Butters" of the group he will be missed... *moment of silence* I been kicking around some inventions to blast indoors, i'll probably post them up on here and see what we can...
  9. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    I can get power 5 for 25$us a case, if its legal and less expensive i wouldnt have a problem middle manning for you
  10. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    I usually get a more green color from ground up material as apposed to the lighter golds i get from unground lightly packed material(as when i pack my material in with a pole or hanger type wire of some sort, i use kind of a stir and pack method until what i put in, is half the size it was and...
  11. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Duuuude that looks amazing...:cry::clap:
  12. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    woah... that was a reply to something like 29 pages ago... anyway, whats up people , dont know how i ended up here but i see you guys have been busy since we last spoke... suppose i'll post some pics or something since this is awkward... why does your signature say R.I.P VacPurge????????!!!!
  13. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Pulling the plug is sometimes the hardest thing to do...
  14. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Dont get me wrong, i do understand that this very thing has been happening over time, i read every page on this thread over the course of like a week or 2, so to me it seems like the progress was quick, a lot of things i can agree with, and a wealth of information being shared. This kind of...
  15. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    I never whip, i go from scrape, to parch, to VC, to shatter, then i fold and pull to get my crumble/honeycomb, i dont trust that whipping shit... would be nice to have some whipped stuff lab tested against the same batch that hasn't been whipped but still crumbled up from the long purge and see...
  16. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Yeah, but we have all been trying our own methods and pretty much sticking to them. what about the cross over... more controlled experimentation
  17. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Does anyone know what causes the oil to honeycomb/crumble we need to get to the bottom of this so we can fight this war for health and purity with at least 1 eye open... *sigh* Is it exposure to the air, is it the heat, is it the isolation of the triches from the moisture in the oil, is it wtf...
  18. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    but on this one, its never reached above 128*
  19. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    150?? ppl do that? nah jk, i have personally never seen temps above 138 again(and 138 is rare and usually accidental because i nodded off) once i finally realized what i was trying to achieve by vacpurging instead of just doing what i thought i had to do, and actually got down to the science...
  20. zpfunk

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    Hypothetically i have been at this purging thing for some time, and still having that goo forever problem pop up once in a while, VacPro seems to have mastered bringing goo back from the depths, but you also vac for a loooooooooooooooooong time, and i imagine if i were to have hypothetically...