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  1. ImperialHarvest

    Grow tent talk

    Yeah I didn't mean to haha
  2. ImperialHarvest

    Grow tent talk

    I'm more than on board with that haha. I don't do intake if i don't have to cannabis does MUCH better under negative airflow. But I've pretty much got everything figured out now. Thanks for being my only response haha
  3. ImperialHarvest

    Black skull seeds-pineapple gum grow!!

    So I've had some seeds for sometime but I've never been able to find a very true journal on the strain. Do here we go!!! The Set Up: currently under 2cfl bulbs and a t5. But soon to move into the tent. Five girls total. All germd and sprouted with NO issue. One even fell during planting with a...
  4. ImperialHarvest

    Tent set up assistance needed!!

    I am better to clear the air here. The plants in flower were a begging project to kick back the money invested. NOW time to set up the next round of girls to go in flowering in oh about six or five weeks. THAT'S why I'm planning ahead to get on schedule of every two months instead of starting...
  5. ImperialHarvest

    Tent set up assistance needed!!

    No need and I don't have the proper stuff. I've done it before VERY ghetto but yet 100% success rate and all within five days to a week! But I like seed growing better because the genetics weaken over time with clones and it's better to take things slow for me
  6. ImperialHarvest

    Tent set up assistance needed!!

    Never once said I was an auto grower lol. I SAID preferably autos since I'm vegging the next round already if I upgraded light theni would need more plants, well I'd be able to support more. And by the time they went into veg the auto woukd be at the same stage apposed to bring way behind.
  7. ImperialHarvest

    Tent set up assistance needed!!

    Yeah I realize I was in over my head about the six under 400 but no no no I would only flower under the 1k haha. I veg with a series of cfls and a t5 ina whole other room. The 1k would be too support eight small girls for max yield
  8. ImperialHarvest

    Tent set up assistance needed!!

    No I veg in separate location and I just want LOTS of density and yield. And yeah the 1000 will deff be cooling hood haha. But I just want to do something to produce more and hydro is NOT an option
  9. ImperialHarvest

    Tent set up assistance needed!!

    Ok down to it. Working witha 4x4x7 tent, 400w hps, great vent system and some awesome nutes I'm curious as what to do with the new grow. Currently flowering six girls in there now and vegging five baby pineapple gum sprouts from black skull seeds for my next round. Sounds like I have it all...
  10. ImperialHarvest

    Grow tent talk

    So I'm considering buying a 1000w conversion digital and dimmable light for a 4x4x7 tent. The genetics currently in veg for this grow are five pineapple gum from black skull seeds. Currently using a 400w hps on six ladies in flowering. But as for this new set up. My goal would be to get a few...
  11. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    Thanks! Yeah I imagine it's a combination between common sense and experience. But either way thank you. Hopefully it will turn out as well as you said
  12. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    Just trying to prune our lollipop as much as possible in the end for density and light penetration but thanks msn I hope so. It smells amazing. Will post more as it comes. Really excited to purchase cooling hood to get them very close! I'm thinking 1000w conversion lamp and running eight mid...
  13. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    Yeah it is sativa dom but thank you I just pray it turns out! I have a purple that is DENSE from birth
  14. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    Thought I'd share the love of so much help with some pictures. First couple are side branches and lower growth the second to last is cola. Let me know what you think!
  15. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    Really?! I was HOPING like 1.5 that would be GREAT though. Here's a pic of her now about 8 days from the darkness period.
  16. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    Yes I mean hps and actually I have roots organic surge. It's ultimately just kelp but It was used through the whole plants cycle
  17. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    What are some decent strains that produce dense buds but not too tall
  18. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    Thank you so much that really helps. Like i said they aren't small justnot the density I'd like. I'll post pics today
  19. ImperialHarvest

    DESPERATELY need advice!!!!!!

    This is a COMPLETE noob question but I've never had my own set up I've only assisted those who taught me. That being said my question is how dense do buds get in late flowering? An ak49 auto in 4x4 tent with 400w great ventilation and temps, also five other plants on the smaller side in...
  20. ImperialHarvest

    Highest Yielding Indoor Strains

    Hey what strain did you run? Also was it soil and what kind if lighting?