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  1. T

    re-vegetating marijuana??

    Im just about at harvest time and i cant find too much info on making your plant revegetate. I heard the yields were cute down 75%? is this true? Also my buddy plant started out doors and moved it indoors but it looks like it started to flower with alot of white hairs, some starting to turn...
  2. T

    Welcome New Members!

    one more? a few weeks ago i did a few cloneing experaments and figured i would try a leaf for shit n giggles.. not to my surprise the leaf witherd and i figured it was dieing, so i separated the peat pellet and there were 2-3 mm roots taking off!!! is this unheard of or will the leaf just never...
  3. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up peirs?!? I been wrecking my brain the pst couple months reading everything i could on growing and 90% of the time i ended up here in one of these forums for the answers, so i joined the team. Question- Im about 3 months into a veg state when i learned the whole 24 hour light facts...
  4. T

    Can I start Topping, day 16, got pics!!

    yeah, nodes are the sets of leaves that v off, and it doesnt look like your quite there.. im a newb too though so maybe someone else can support this or correct it