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  1. L

    Little White/yellow light spots all over leafs

    Guys, I just started on this, and on my first try leafs are showing lots of little white, yellow spots all over the plant. I'm using RO water and they were planted in 80% perlite and 20% sunshine (similar to coco) on rockwool, and i 've been giving tham, 300 PPM nutrient solution of GH...
  2. L

    Slime treatment

    Im running no organics. Im using GH maxi grow powder. I put some hygrozime, and things got worse, even thought I heard this is a good product. I bought some orca now. Im brewing for a day, Orca, compost soil and humus in a woman sock, and molasses for two days. I will try this bennies. Im almost...
  3. L

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I have a very bad problem with slime. Temps are under 66, no light leak, a enourmous air pump, and the slime is taking over everything. I ve been treating with 2ml/gal of H2O2, with no sucess. Check out the pictures. High dosages of SM-90 and H2O2 combined, arent working. Ok, I will try...
  4. L

    Slime treatment

    I have a very bad problem with slime. Temps are under 66, no light leak, a enourmous air pump, and the slime is taking over everything. I ve been treating with 2ml/gal of H2O2, with no sucess. Check out the pictures. High dosages of SM-90 and H2O2 combined, arent working.
  5. L

    Guide to Getting Rid of Root Rot

    My friend. Tell us how you make your tea, and if you make it every week, or keep it some till next change. I always want to know how much each of the components ( Subcultures, flora nectar, etc ) do you use to make how much tea. I have a 4 gal N.Solution, how much tea should i use. Tell me about...
  6. L

    Is It Possible To Make Your Weed Smell 10x's Better?

    Ok, after all that, what method worked better for you ? Whats the top 5 things to keep under control while curing ?