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  1. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Thanx :-) i appreciate all the advise!
  2. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Rad :-) Thank you so much for all your advice. I guess i found my first mistake, planting more than 1 seed in a pot!!!! Peace Out \m/
  3. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Lol.. Ok, I'll kill the dudes. So i kill the dude, then can smoke the girls' buds. Got it :) Thanks alot!
  4. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Cool :-) Thank you so much for your advice. It's difficult for me to read all the different opinions because I never know which is the best for the plant. But I guess experimenting and experience is the only way to find out. :-) Thanks again..
  5. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    YAY!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!! I'm so excited!!! :-)
  6. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Thank you so much :-) I'm starting research imediately!! Thanx :-)
  7. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    lol... thanx alot Bugs. you really did help me. Although you confused me at "kill the makes" and then at "no boys no seeds"... lol.... Should i kill them or keep them? hehe... once again i feel pretty dumb. haha. thanx to everybody for the replies!!!
  8. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Ag fokkit man :-) lol.... Now I feel super stupid!! Thanks for helping me out :-)
  9. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    lol... ok. i'll check for a book :-) thanx
  10. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    thanx. i thought this site was here to find help from fucking experts like you
  11. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Lol... no Cheetah I'm not stoned. haha. Thanks Arrid! I am still confused about the flowering of the plant though. How do I make the plant flower? And when is it the best time?
  12. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Lol... another one. I had to type that message again before i could see yours! Sorry!
  13. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    lol... haha. i just found it. Sorry for my blonde moment there. Haha.. Thanks for pointing it out for me.
  14. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Lol.. i just found it. Haha. Sorry for my blonde moment there. Thanx for pointing it out. Lol.
  15. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    :-) thank you very much. I will definately spend more time reading the faqs etc. Thanks again! :-)
  16. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Lol... I did. Couldn't find anything helpful to me!
  17. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Oh ok... So how do I flower them? Can't they just flower themselves? Lol... I feel really stupid asking these questions! What are nutes and hesi?
  18. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    The temperature is between 18 and about 25 degrees. It gets about half shade and half sun for 12 hours a day. Is it true what they say about feeding it with hormones?
  19. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    It stands outside in the day. I thought it would have been better if it got natural light?
  20. SmokinMaryJane

    Beginner's Questions

    Hi there. I am a beginner in pot growing. I planted some seeds in organic soil just for interest sake to see how they grow etc. But a week later they started growing and I just fell in love with them! Now i want to learn everything I possibly can to make my plant the best MaryJane i can. My...